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Well, I like that Brienne and Pod are together sooner. I like that they changed Jon's storyline, because the book one was duller/more political... as long as they don't miss out a certain new character. Although, Pyp should have stood up with Grenn and Edd.


The White Walkers... That's the interesting one. We haven't got there in the books. It was kind of a nice surprise. Will be interesting to see if it changes any in the books.


Yes, was terrible. Bran's storyline has changed too... they never go near Craster's in the book. Ghost should be with Jon too. Bran's storyline has been summed up in 4 words... but I'll not tell you for now.. especially since all bets are off.


Brienne and Pod are ace in the books, too popular smaller characters working together.


Aww sorry  you sound swamped at work.


Doing ok thank you. Still having care problems, only worse after I raised concerns. Now its cancelled home visits and when I enquire, people are out / off.   Need to reapply for my medical records as they came out incomplete. 


Working through more mindfulness/ meditation /CBT  on kindle and audible, which helps. *coff*  Last week was the longest single meditation session so far [with guided audio] ....45 mins!!! Yoga next 


Turned into a hippy!  


Ah... bum to them! I shake my fist in their general direction.

I hope it gets sorted out quickly, sounds like they are playing silly beggars.


Good going on the CBT. I admire your concentration.


I am currently defrosting. Scotland won all three of our matches today (as did Fiji), Niko Matawalu was there (if at the opposite end of the stadium) and I saw someone dressed as a dragon and another person dressed as a lion get dragged off by security.


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