Its weird Suppose he meant it, there's been no denial.
I wouldn't put it past him to think it would be funny.
He likes pushing it but y'know, it seems a bit much.
Oh well! Summer's here! Hope you're having a good Mother's Day... doing anything special with your Mum?
He's posting pictures of random signs that have the word "slopes" on them, and saying "that's a bit racist" now.
It went well, I got her season 1 Stargate Atlantis boxset (she got into that on her own... nothing to do with me!). She was overjoyed, might not be so happy when she discovers Johnny Mamoa isn't in this season.
heh heh.
Oh Jezza
Ah well.. at least he's not boring... I guess...
And another and maybe a
Anyhows... roll on G.O.T.!!! this Red Viper guy sounds interesting... apparently he figures much more in the books? Like the look of him.
*says nothing*
Thanks Hitch
I do know he's set on revenge against the Lannisters for killing his sisters or something? There'll be a few s I wager.
This series is supposed to be mega bloody too
Oh yes... if it follows the books closely, it'll be a bloodbath.
That's close enough. I still will say nothing more.
Ta. Can't flippin' wait... ooooh ooooh !
Not long now.
And the week after that Mad Men starts.
*Does happy dance*
Yay! I love TV.
Yay! Me too! G.O.T. got me through manys a long night. It made insomnia fun!
Hows you be? Hope your migraines aren't bad a.t.m.
That was what MST3k/Dark Shadows was for me in the 90s... The 90s weren't fun.
Anyway, I have been good. Two more days until the holidays... YAY! No migraines for a while. *knocks on wood* Get any April Fools?
Sorry the 90's weren't fun Glad you got through.
Thats good about the migraines
No amazingly I didn't get fooled!!! Yourself?
Thank you.
I didn't get caught out, but I did enjoy going through all my site to see what had been done for it. Neopets "retired" Dr Death (he runs the pound) and start to randomly assign us foster pets. Some of us started side accounts the next day and adopted them back.
Sounds like fun.
Been playing with my Sony Xperia L today. Its lovely and red and sounds great. Don't ask me technical stuff though.