Oh no.... tough to lose like that
I suppose we won like that in the last game... and at least we played well.
Anyhow... Wales flag out ready for today. XD
Watched five True Detective episodes straight last night, as I couldn't sleep. There are HP Lovecraft references in it apparently, eg Carcosa, The King in Yellow, etc?
Its weird but good. Lots of little details in it, most of which I miss, but the blogs help explain things.
Now for some TG silliness to lighten things up!
Oh! I'm sure I was here... maybe I wasn't... been a bit head up my arse, sorry.
I'm not recognising those references at the moment, I may google them later.
Although I'm all over the place and I have a headaxche coming on, today has been the best day ever. I got to hold a wee, baby chick.
Sorry about the headache
Awww you held a little chicky....how did it feel? Did someone bring one into school?
Carcosa is a fictional city in the Ambrose Bierce short story "An Inhabitant of Carcosa" (1891). In Bierce's story, the ancient and mysterious city is barely described, and is viewed only in hindsight (after its destruction) by a character who once lived there. The city was later used more extensively in Robert W. Chambers' book of horror short stories published in 1895 entitled The King in Yellow. Later writers, including H. P. Lovecraft and his many admirers, became great fans of Chambers' work and incorporated the name of Carcosa into their own stories, set in the Cthulhu Mythos.
I also looked up some of the themes Lovecraft wrote about and they're similar to True Detective... pretty cosmic stuff
True detective sounds a bit freaky now.
The primary 2s had an incubator full of eggs, about 10 of them have hatched so far. The oldest chick is bossing about the smaller ones, but the wee red one is ready for him.
Freaky is exactly right
C'mon the red chick!
Apparently, they have to kill the males because they don't need so many for the breeding... athe big black male has made a bid for freedom. *ahem*
Wow. Maybe its best to stick to tadpoles.
The rest seem to be female. We had about 5 unfertilised (they don't know when they give us them), two died before they could hatch... rest seem happy.
I always wanted to hold a chick... I imagine its light as a feather, is it?
What will happen to them once they're grown?
Light, and fluffy and makes you feel a million times better. Although, the second chick I picked up trembled. I put her down fairly quickly, didn't want her scared/upset. The first one dozed off in my hands.
They go back to the breeders. They'll eventually have chicks for other kids to raise.
I can't imagine anything cuter, than a little chick dozing off in your hand. Lucky you!!!
Did they get imprinted to anyone? You might have one following you home lol.
I don't think they have... if anyone it would be the primary 2 teacher, as they're in her class.
I want to sneak the grey and yellow one home with me though. XD
Good luck to both Scotland and Italy in their matches
C'mon... get scoring lads
Let's not talk about the Scotland match... I left during the second half to comfort bake.
Thank goodness Ireland held off France...
Scotland are getting a new coach, aren't they. A Kiwi, maybe he'll shake things up?
Ireland were lucky, but what a great end for Brian O'Driscoll
Yes, we've officially been signed up for ages, but Scott Jonstone has been interim manager until then... now I think. I don't think He's done a bad job to be fair, last year we had our best 6 Nations in ages.
Lucky, yes. Thank the gods that was a forward pass.
Onwards and upwards
I just wish we had a decent football team