I'm reading Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere... it's really good. Got many more books to go in that series?
Oooh I've heard good things about him.
Think theres seven in the Dark Tower series. The pixies brought me the whole SK ebook collection. Going to read The Stand next.
Pixies also brought me some Terry Pratchett! What was that one you said to start with?
Oh Oh! Forgot to say... got some bambi burgers with my Tesco shopping today
From what you say i decided to give venison a try.
Oh excellent. I would do the City Watch books first... in order:
Guards Guards
Men at Arms
Feet of Clay
The Fifth Elephant
Then I'd move on to the Witches... I'll leave that list for later. XD
Enjoy Bambi! *yum*
I have the first four of those. If they're my cup of tea, can always buy the rest.
I think you will like Sam Vimes.
Ah good... you're pretty good at recommending stuffs.
Tell that to Temps. Me and her sister tried to get her into Hannibal... it was a little to scary/gory for her.
Was it?
Hows Temps doing? She has a babby now doesn't she?
2 wee boys, Finn and Simon (aka Panda... he kicked a lot before he was born... and Kung Fu Panda was a thing then. XD) She seems to be doing great, lost lots of weight and got all running fit.
That's great news, thanks.
Have acquired more Terry Pratchett and some Neil Gaiman. Lovely wee things those pixies
Pixies are the bestest.
What Gaiman books did you get? I've read American Gods, Stardust, Neverwhere, Anansi Boys (partly) and Fortunately the Milk. Oh and Good Omens, which is both Pratchett and Gaiman.
All of those except Fortunately The Milk.
Also have Corlaine, Stardust and The Graveyard Book. You want?
oh! I have the Graveyard Book... not sure why I forgot that, because I love it. XD
Oh and I had my bambi burger today - tasted ok. It was heavily spiced though.
Might get a venison steak to see what it actually tastes like.
Hmm spiced? That might be alright... *may try*
Yeah it had tomato and spicy stuff in. The meat itself tasted like a cheap lamb grillsteak. Mind you it was from Tesco... so...
Wonder can you get venison haunches? I'd like to tuck into one when watching the new series of G.O.T. to get in the mood.
Tomato? Maybe not then.
Now, does mean you are, or aren't a fan of House Barthareon? (apologies for the spelling.) I'm more than likely House Tully, maybe I should get a trout for season 4 premier?
Yeah go on!
Sorry, forgot a stag that was the Baratheon standard... DOH! I just meant eat something they'd have at feasts. Deer meat is easier to come by than wild boar
I like Houses Stark, Targaryen and Tyrell
I don't even mind the Lannisters, apart from Joffrey.