Hows you be?
Hopefully you don't know anyone involved What a terrible thing to happen in your home town. I was worried about you, but knew [a] you're not mad on pubs and [b] you'd be at the rugby on a Friday. Phew!
I don't, my aunt knew a few of the helicopter people though.
[a] this is very true, if I do go pubbing, I never go further east than Partick. [b] Nearly always true, but they were playing in Cardiff the other night.
Thanks for your concern. *hugs*
(I forgot to send this earlier. It's been sitting on this tab unsent for a couple of hours. *ahem* )
Your poor Aunt jeez how terrible.
Advent now.
Did you get an advent calendar?
In other news, Jezza was funny on Graham Norton and even got on well with Jo Brand! She'd never been to the U.S. - of which Jezza approved.
I didn't... not big on chocolate... I need a crisp calendar.
I saw. It's on after Atlantis... which I like more than I really should.
A crisp calendar mmmmm.... what a good idea. Is Atlantis good then? On the fantasy-genre-ish topic. I'm on the second book of Stephen King's Dark Tower series. Very enjoyable. He was apparently inspired to write it by LOTR.
How are things up in Glasgow Hitch?
It takes a while to get going.. you have to switch off your myth knowledge a bit. It is fun though... they clearly know their audience (plenty of "Python" moments)
Glasgow is fine... getting on with thing... peparing for the threaten arrival of the WBC, although I think they've been distracted by that actor dying in the US.
WBC = boxing?
Glad you're enjoying Atlantis - Monthy Python jokes and all.
Oh... hah... I needs to do explanations.
WBC = Westboro Baptist Church... Those nutters that picket funerals.
When I said "Python" I was referring to a ship name Pythagoras and Jason... It's not canon but they play along. They play along though, for example... Their first meeting...
Context: Pythagoras had just saved Jason from falling to his death by dragging him through a window. They landed like that. I give you a show from the makers of Merlin.
Ahhh I see...
Oh no the WBC are coming your way - they should be arrested for inciting hatred
They should.. normally, they don't get let out the airport when they try to come here. Although, like I said, I think they been distracted by the bigger profile target.
Just googled... oh dear... WBC really are the nastiest of the nasty.
They are indeed, a few of the younger ones have broke away... hopefully that trend continues.
How's the weather by you?
Bit stormy - but we got off easy compared to Scotland. How is it there?
Ok now. One of the schools I work in got damaged and the lights kept flickering on and off during my breakfast club, I kept my torch on hand. It didn't last too long. I am now awaiting snow.
Eeek thats pretty scary.
How are you ? Did your Dr Who stuff arrive yet?
Not yet. I need (ok, want, I'll stop being dramatic) it by the 20th (freezey cold rugby).
That scarf would be great for a cold night
I got my Bruv a pen with a floating tardis, a set of tardis + dalek moulds for ice / chocolate a little Tardis diary, the calendar and annual. Hope he likes.