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Hehe... I thought you'd ran away.


No worries, I shall help you gather your marbles. After I gobble up the cookies and cola of course... priorities.


Yes, gobby. He has improved slightly... Not my favourite manager we've ever had... that would be Wim Jansen.


Yes, cold and dark. *brr* Bit tired, but only 6 weeks to the xmas hols. How are you?


Good, good.


I am ruing the overtime because it is blocking my cheap cinema tuesdays... Thor 2 has gone unseen so far and Catching Fire may do too.


My optician is going to contact my doctor since he can find nothing eye-wise wrong. Although, my right eye failed the peripheral test... but that shouldn't affect my head. I think.


Yes, Hobbit is good. My extended edition is winging it's way to me as I type.


Shutter Island looks bad... never tried to watch it.


Have I recommended Sleepy Hollow yet? Series on Watch (I think... should be on Netflix soon, it's a short series... Should be near the end of airing soon. (if you can get an anonymiser, you might be able to get it on US Netflix legally too. Or Hulu.)


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