This is true... Hopefully can say the same in the football tonight.
Good luck
Ooh.. we got lucky. Ajax fans got a bit out of hand... I am surprised, always found the Dutch to be good people.
Oh no... what happened?
They tore up our seats and hit the stewards with them. I have been told in Amsterdam the away section is reached via specific train connected to the stadium by a covered walkway... to keep you separate.
I was shocked to find this out.
Thats shocking + I didn't know that either.
Its strange as Dutch people I've met have been lovely too.
I know right? Lovely people generally.
How are you keeping a.t.m.? All set for Halloween?
Alright, today I have a headache but that'll pass... yourself?
Going to get a red velvet cake mix on wednesday and try to ice it up to look like Jack Skellington... This may not work. You got stuff sorted?
Sorry you have a headache Hitch... its not one of the bad migraines you get is it?
Your cake sounds exciting I'm not going to bother cooking or baking anything special this year. Will just put up some Halloween decorations, carve the pumpkin, watch some spooky fims, have some snacks and make some witches brew punch
Got the fruit, alcohol, and assorted colourings. And a black cauldron style pot to stir it in
Oh and its Autumnwatch tonight
Was only a headache, I'm still standing. *dances like Elton John*
Punch sounds interesting. Never done a pumpkin... nor a turnip... I am a Samhain failure. *nods sadly*
Spooky films are the best. Enjoy!
Was only a headache, I'm still standing. *dances like Elton John*
Punch sounds interesting. Never done a pumpkin... nor a turnip... I am a Samhain failure. *nods sadly*
Spooky films are the best. Enjoy!
Nah pumpkins are easy. Halloween baking is a good way to celebrate
Yep watched Cropsey on Netflix. Its about murders and bodies supposedly buried on the grounds of an old asylum in NY. Very Michael Myers...
On the lookout for some more scary films if you can think of any?
Oh gods... I'm not really a great movie person. Have you ever seen Ginger Snaps? Werewolf movie, quite good. It has a sequel and a prequel... never seen the prequel.
Avatar! Pumpkin! I like it!
Oh gods... I'm not really a great movie person. Have you ever seen Ginger Snaps? Werewolf movie, quite good. It has a sequel and a prequel... never seen the prequel.
Avatar! Pumpkin! I like it!
Thanks its from the 1978 movie...
how about we repair to my Halloween thread? in t'other place up there ^^ It'll be quiet I assure you... just you and me and my 1 and a half other forum mates.
C'mon... lures Hitch with a trail of pringles...
I posted. *nods* Cake in oven.
Very impressed Hitch
. Cor blimey It looks yummy *salivates* did it taste?
Lovely, unfortunately I had headaches again and couldn't enjoy it on the day. Had a big slice between works today... and there's still dia de los muertos to celebrate.
Needs a nice big cup of tea.
Oh no. Hope you're feeling better
I didn't feel great either. Had too much Halloween punch. Then there was a big spider running up my duvet which meant a sleepless night until I found it again
My pumpkin lasted all of 4 days before it crumpled into a squishy mess. Maybe I didnt carve it out enough and the candles cooked it.
I do. I was better at Saturday/dia de las muertos.
Spider?! On bed?! So, I guess that means a brand new bed needed then.
Is that not long? How long do they normally last?