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 *admires Hitch's nerves of steel* Do you know if anything had happened there to cause the poltergeist?

Have you had other spooky experiences?


I only once sensed a place was haunted [Or more accurately felt a sense of evil there ]. It was a holiday cottage in Kerry. Some strange goings were witnessed by others in my family.


Will tell you more closer to Halloween

Originally Posted by hh42:

I have no idea, I'm not horribly familiar with the south side. I've seen ghosts... not interestingly, like you see on tv though.


York was similar? I remember you didn't like York for reasons.

 You can't just leave it at that... please go on 


York was more bad vibes. The cottage was much worse. A horrible sense that we were being watched and that something bad had taken place there. After creepy "events" we ended up leaving it in a hurry and finding alternative accommodation.


 Oh goodness - was the kid ok? Was it just you saw the wraith?


It was called Rose Cottage. I hated going on holiday there - a shabby little wooden house, overlooking the sea in Kerry. Horrible atmosphere. I was scared just going to the bathroom, as it meant I was alone.


One night Mum [who was a bit six sense-thy] saw or sensed something with wings swooshing past her down the hall, there was some sort of commotion + a general really bad supernatural atmosphere. We were all frightened + I was in tears I remember. We packed up + spent the night somewhere else.  Sounds pathetic describing it now, like it was hysteria  but it was awful *shudder*




He looks good in the first one... mean and moody. You really outdid yourself - thanks again I love em . Also I love that Don and Roger [Sterling] together gif  they're so cool together those two.


Its my Birthday on Sunday but started celebrating today. Some pressies came for me + was allowed to open them early  Got Sony Wireless headphones, candles, a rug, wicker baskets, mugs and more.



Last edited by Former Member

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