Nor me... though I know two otherwise sensible people who say they saw ghosts.
I've seen a few things. Best was a cd case that nonchalantly moved from the cd player in the corner to the table in the middle of the room. We were just all watching it like "what?".
What??? You really saw a CD case levitate across the room *gulp*
You're pulling my leg... aren't you?
Nope. Flat above the chippie in Copeland road. Then I got left in, on my own... so I chatted away to whatever and everything was ok.
SO SCARY!!! Was it a poltergeist do you think?
That's the thing. It wasn't. Ghost encounters tend to be ok for me (so far... ).
Poltergeist is the most suitable word.
*admires Hitch's nerves of steel* Do you know if anything had happened there to cause the poltergeist?
Have you had other spooky experiences?
I only once sensed a place was haunted [Or more accurately felt a sense of evil there ]. It was a holiday cottage in Kerry. Some strange goings were witnessed by others in my family.
Will tell you more closer to Halloween
I have no idea, I'm not horribly familiar with the south side. I've seen ghosts... not interestingly, like you see on tv though.
York was similar? I remember you didn't like York for reasons.
I have no idea, I'm not horribly familiar with the south side. I've seen ghosts... not interestingly, like you see on tv though.
York was similar? I remember you didn't like York for reasons.
You can't just leave it at that... please go on
York was more bad vibes. The cottage was much worse. A horrible sense that we were being watched and that something bad had taken place there. After creepy "events" we ended up leaving it in a hurry and finding alternative accommodation.
Just... people that are there then vanish, fade away sort of thing. There was a full on wraith sighting outside the school, they normally only appear in your peripheral (a kid got knocked down an hour later). And my first sleep paralysis, in hindsight, doesn't fit pattern.
This cottage sounds intriguing.
Oh goodness - was the kid ok? Was it just you saw the wraith?
It was called Rose Cottage. I hated going on holiday there - a shabby little wooden house, overlooking the sea in Kerry. Horrible atmosphere. I was scared just going to the bathroom, as it meant I was alone.
One night Mum [who was a bit six sense-thy] saw or sensed something with wings swooshing past her down the hall, there was some sort of commotion + a general really bad supernatural atmosphere. We were all frightened + I was in tears I remember. We packed up + spent the night somewhere else. Sounds pathetic describing it now, like it was hysteria but it was awful *shudder*
Yeah, ok... broken leg, but when you consider what could've happened... Just me, outside the main gate around 7:15am.
If it was negative, then you have every right to be scared. I've been lucky so far.
Thanks goodness. Also... sounds like you have some sort of gift of foresight?
More Importantly... I bumped into a gentleman who has something to say.
What was that Neil? You have a surprise for Rosie?
Oh look, he baked you a (floating) cake!
Someone has also popped by to sing you a song...
Why that was lovely Roger.
Now... a Toast!
Happy birthday Rosie! Hope you have a good one.
Oh My!!!! How wonderful is that -thank you SO much Hitch
Best party ever! You are very clever and very thoughtful to design it
I love the Neil cake *drool... for both of them*
Don AND Roger showed up too Thanks again
You are welcome.
I'm glad you like the post, only sad I couldn't top what you did for my birthday last year.
I was only going to do the Neil with the cake gif... but I couldn't resist making the first one too... for reasons.
He looks good in the first one... mean and moody. You really outdid yourself - thanks again I love em
. Also I love that Don and Roger [Sterling] together gif
they're so cool together those two.
Its my Birthday on Sunday but started celebrating today. Some pressies came for me + was allowed to open them early Got Sony Wireless headphones, candles, a rug, wicker baskets, mugs and more.
Ah! I was early? I was all worried about work getting in the way of posting. *oops*
Nice haul so far. Tad jealous about the headphones.
Thanks for getting the celebrations going
Delighted with the gif party you created - great work
Yup. Born on the 13th... appropriate some would say