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Oh. Doesn't sound much fun


I'm allright thanks. The new nurse Jo is lovely. She put me on different [non weight gaining] meds. My NHS medical notes are finally ready [took months - its supposed to be 40 days max. They said they had no record of my first application, so I had to apply again]. Jo's bringing them next week. Oh and I started an online CBT course. So with that, and Stephen King's entire ebook collection to get me through the bouts of insomnia   I'll manage.


What you scheming?  A trussed up Neil Oliver delivered to my door will do fine  




 Technically its an offence... sigh . Shame. I'd've treated him well... got in his favourite rotten shark meat and whatever that Viking booze was called.


C.B.T. is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - sort of fast track therapy/positive thinking stuff. Kind of thing you'd find in a good self book. Its prescribed on the NHS but theres a waiting list for therapists. I've read CBT books before but this online course is better.


Last edited by Former Member

Well my "close friends" feed on Facebook is terrifying. They keep liking people's baby photos. *shudders*


Oh... I don't know... I don't find much scary. There's a new show in America right now (Universal channel over here, unsure if it started this week or next.. either way 3 episodes already up on the pixies.) called Sleepy Hollow. Supernatural theme, not too gory, badass lead woman, wonderful lead man, funny. I recommend.


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