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Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

The water rails have fledged. There's an egg in the nest. Not sure if it's a new one or one left unhatched from the original clutch.

Saw the clip. They were just up and off!  Wonder will we see any more of them?[ think its an old egg ]


The Jackdaw chicks look too big to be messed with so hopefully they'll be ok. 





I'm watching Springwatch Extra on the red button.

The bees are well established in a nesting box.

The willow warbler chivks are still looking gorgeous, they're quite a bit bigger than a few days ago and are expected to fledge soon.

The Springwatch Team think the Blackbirds are close to fledging, but they don't look that ready to me.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Just looked [ webcam 4 ]. The greyheaded one is an adult - one of the intruders looks like? There were two in earlier then one flew out. The other appeared to feed one of the chicks? Or maybe it was just pecking it. Then it took some bedding material + flew off, now its back in and sitting with/squishing the chicks.


The intruders don't attack the chicks now, just hang around and peck the nesting material. They've practically moved in - not subtle are they? 



Or it could be one of the parents staying to guard the chicks? However the chicks are sitting with their back to the adult which makes me think its an intruder squatting. Also the parents tend to be off looking for food and don't sit in the nest so much?

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):

Fluffy I'm confused  Have the main Jackdaws fledged ? Missed the start of Springwatch then all they seemed to show was the other Jackdaw nest.


Can't see any jackdaws on the webcams.




I'm a bit confused too Rog. From what I understood there were two Jackdaw nests. One with two chicks (the one we see mostly) that kept getting attacked and one with only one chick, that didn't seem to get bothered much until a couple of days ago when most of the nesting material was stolen. Then I turned on yesterday to see three in the box that had the original two chicks.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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