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Oops! I was distracted... SpringWatch, rushing to finish the Brick before the Altador Cup starts on Friday, Pre-AC kerfuffle, new plant.


It was good, decent amount of Iolo this year. You've caught it since I guess? Loving the jackdaws, we have a lot of them round here.


Anyhow, new plant... only plant... following in your greenthumbiness.  *ahem* Well, technically all i have to do is water occasionally and supply a monthly insect until it hibernates.


How is your compost working out?


Would be nice if they could clear the lines on communication there. Good that he's on the list though.


The jackdaw chicks they are optimistic about since they are big and sturdy... but that enemy jackdaw's been back this evening.


Iolo did a film about gannets... they filmed them from under the water... in slo-mo camera. Looked amazing. The urban otter was good. Hen Harriers was interesting too... and the kestrals.


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