Not like I don't get enough holidays... there's only about 7-8 weeks to the summer.
Ah well... its hard work, dealing with back injures and stroppy parents
Its nice and sunny here. Whats it like there? Dare we whisper... Spring?
I went to tesco earlier... I melted...
What is this unnatural feeling? Is it what they call "warmth"?
Must be.
Was watching penguin cam at Edinburgh zoo - it looked pretty warm
Not exactly penguin weather yesterday.
Today is rainy and muggy.
Not exactly penguin weather yesterday.
Today is rainy and muggy.
Theres a panda cam too. Can only see one but he/she was quite active today.
Pandas can be fun.
Meant to be getting thundery at the weekend... O.o
Do you play Candy Crush Saga? Take my advice... never start, it is a life ruiner!
No, what is it?
A game... it's on phones/facebook. Bit like Bejewelled, but more complicated.
Ok. Don't know what Bejewelled is either lol.
Ahh... you know those games in which you switch blocks to make a group of 3+? One of those.
Looks like this...
I'm stuck on level 70... mum actually did a happy dance today for getting past level 28.
Looks addictive.
Our father's bowel cancer spread to his stomach and they aren't gonna operate so it looks bad. My Bruv was waiting days for the doc to ring but they couldn't even get his number right... NHS f.g.s.
Still waiting for more news.
I'll be up there ^^^^ talking nonsense to take my mind of it...
Don't even wanna think of whats next.
I'm so sorry to hear that.
Thanks Hitch Hoping they can give our da chaemo or radiotherapy.
Haven't spoken to him in years - still - its a terribly sad way to go. Never had someone close die from cancer, have you?
Not really, a woman I used to work with died of it, but it wasn't long after I had started, I didn't know her well... Touch wood, I wont.
That said, my gran appears to have had umpteen types of cancer and survived them all. Having a stroke whilst smoking on the other hand...
Here's hoping the NHS get everything sorted quickly for you.
Your gran sounds pretty strong
Thanks - fingers crossed.