Its set at the south pole? Oh maybe not then.
TG in NZ sounds brilliant though. There's snow and ice on the south island, maybe thats where they were?
No snow here but its freezy.
Its set at the south pole? Oh maybe not then.
TG in NZ sounds brilliant though. There's snow and ice on the south island, maybe thats where they were?
No snow here but its freezy.
NZ would be amazing, I agree. We could meet the Stig's antipodean cousin.
And the cinematography would be amazing...
Wouldn't it? Hope we don't have to wait to Christmas to see it though.
The Terry Pratchett programme on orangutans was sad viewing, especially those animal markets.
Waiting isn't fun.
It was. Both they and Terry have a very limited time with us... Was interesting to see the PDC from Rob's view too.
The orangs had big sad faces. Wanted to hug them all!
Terry said the "m" word... I was shocked!
Melonfarmer? Now you mention it, it was a bit
That drunken witchdoctor / shaman guy was a laugh though.
lol no. The "m" word is *whispers* "monkey"... The Librarian has no truck with people that can't tell the difference between them and apes... a stray "m" word can lead to a 800lb ape trying to screw your head off by the ears. He's a pragmatic, gentle soul generally... but we all have our beserker buttons.
I know! Who'd've thought the male population of Partick were merely practicing shamans? It explains so much.
Sorry.. You know what... 8-9pm is when I cook supper [ I'm a late dinner fan ] and don't always catch every word on tv when faffing around the kitchen... TP was mighty miffed though... don't know why I construed that as MF...
However, that Shaman was a right chancer... of that I'm sure. At least TP took it with good grace.
I didn't hear anything of a MF-ish nature, I may have missed it though. I did hear a couple of excrement based words, strongest word you generally get in a Discworld.
Terry did say it was one of the more entertaining wacky cures he's experienced.
I kept thinking of the goblins from Snuff during it... I got very sad.
He was swearing a bit... don't blame him though. Don't mind me b.t.w. my concentration levels are crap a.t.m. + I don't know what I'm going on abooot half the time
It was a sad programme however... his walk seemed a bit veering to one side? It must be the spacial awareness problem... what a terrible illness, poor TP. The fact he joked about it made it more poignant somehow.
I think the swearing might be part of the illness... the last book was a bit swearier than normal. I did notice the veering too.
He would all "ah well" and you'd see Rob looking all.
He's taking it as well as anyone could...
Had seen those animal markets and the Slow Loris pet fad on tv before... just awful.
Oh dang I forgot to watch Man Lab... will get round to it, Maybe its better on iplayer as you can speed through the Oz bits.
Happy Easter!
I saw pet stalls in markets in China... puppies sagging in the heat. Wasn't nice. There was a boston terrier that fixed me with an intelligent look and watched me all the way through the confucius market area... like it was trying to guilt me into saving it. If I could've, I would've.
I missed it too... my twitter timeline was full of enquiries as to whether or not Rory has a twitter. That is a good point regarding Oz.
Hope the bunny was good to you?
I saw pet stalls in markets in China... puppies sagging in the heat. Wasn't nice. There was a boston terrier that fixed me with an intelligent look and watched me all the way through the confucius market area... like it was trying to guilt me into saving it. If I could've, I would've.
I missed it too... my twitter timeline was full of enquiries as to whether or not Rory has a twitter. That is a good point regarding Oz.
Hope the bunny was good to you?
Didn't have any Easter eggs [still trying to get the last of the weight off]. However did have roast potatoes - they're a luxury on my diet
If you asked me to choose between chocolate, and crispy roast potatoes with butter, I'd choose roasties
How about you? Hope you got a nice egg or two?
I got some crisps... which to be fair I'm happier about.
I don't think I could have potatoes as a luxury... potatoes are my everything... lol
How are things going with you?
Oh... I'm doing ok thanks
Just had a mammoth kindle session...its good to escape into a book, especially a long one. How is your HP Lovecaft going?
That is the best. *nods*
Lovecraft is at 89%, nearly there!
I has a new recommendation for you. Hannibal, it's coming on Living soon. A wee bit gory and some of the Americans had trouble understanding Mads Mikkelsen's accent*, but it's good.
* I had no issue. Then again we have traditionally better accent ears over this side of the Atlantic. Although, willing to admit I do get extra focused on Mads when he's on something. *ahem*
Hannibal - thanks for the heads up. Whats it about?
You know a book is good when you dread the percentage going up.... nooo don't end. I just re-read the latter part of Wolf Hall and am 46% through the sequel, Bring Up The Bodies. Its about Thomas Cromwell, a politician at Henry VIII's court... its just so well written... really draws you into its world and its quite poetically written without being heavy.
Well... Hannibal... the cannibal... It's sort of a prequel to Red Dragon. Mads Mikkelsen as Lecter, Laurence Fishburne and Gillian Anderson is cast for later in the season.
I've heard of those books... one day... my to read list is massive and includes the "brick" presently.
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