Good luck tomorrow
I was runner-up. Won a bottle of Merlot, which I don't drink... but nevermind... I was in it for the glory anyway.
I shall find out how much they made for Marie Curie on Monday.
Excellent Well done!
And you weren't even pleased with your muffins!
Did they have judges + a taste test and that?
Pity you don't drink Merlot. Its supposed to be easy drinking...
And well done for raising money for Marie Curie
*nods* I remember he went off to Sumatra with Rob the PA to film it. It'll be all "LIBRARIANS!" for me. *ahem*
Umm can you explain that bit? Gone over my head again
This is the Librarian of the Unseen University in Ankh-Morpork.
He used to be human. There was an accident regarding a book that belonged to the Creator of the Discworld...
And this is why Orang Utans will always be Librarians to me.
Ah... thanks.
Terry will explain it better on Wednesday. *nods*
*is glad she didn't mention pineapple custard*
Thanks for confusing me even more.
My work here is done.
Don't worry I'm easily confuddled.
Ooh the compost is warm again apparently its the thermophilic bacteria breaking stuff down
Ooh! Science!
Your turn to confuse me with big words and composty stuffs.
Yeh now you know the feeling.
Nah its good, cos I learn lots of interesting stuffs from you
If only any of the stuffs you learn from me was useful.
Watched the second TG compilation show last night - they squeezed two out of that series!
Don't normally watch the compilations. Although, Jezza is somewhere with ice and snow (not Aran)...
Is he? Read they were in New Zealand recently - can't wait to see that.
Ooh.. maybe south pole this time?
Ooooh... now you're talking!
How is the weather up where you are...much snow?
Not really... the Lovecraft I am reading presently is set their... I don't want Jezza eaten by blasphemous Elder thingies!
We have slight flutterings of snow occasionally. Not lying or anything?
How are you? Snowed in?
Not really... the Lovecraft I am reading presently is set their... I don't want Jezza eaten by blasphemous Elder thingies!
We have slight flutterings of snow occasionally. Not lying or anything?
How are you? Snowed in?