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Liam Neeson, oops i meant

Schindlers List ( which he ruined by his crap acting at the end ). Obi Wan Kanobi in the recent Star Wars. Lots and lots of unmemorable performances too awful to mention.

Oh b.t.w.the Telgraph reported a company is now commercially producing jetpacks. Ooooh I WANT one! Hope JM gets one to put alongside his collection of cars
mum was going to go with me... as i'm buying her chinese in clydebank for mother's day (restaurant is next to the cinema). but empire aren't showing it up here.

going to try and drag someone to cineworld up the town next week instead.

reckon 'seven feet of canadian muscle - with wings!' is a good selling point for my less sci-fi/horror minded friends?

only worry is that it reminds me of the prophecy movie series, and kevin gets described by lost fans as being very walken-ish a lot. (christopher walken played gabriel in those)

if all fails... dvd!
yes, there is that... although, would like the mass 'eww' experience at the gruesome bits.

by the way, next tuesday, bbc1 movie wild hogs... kevin is in that, buddied up with m c gainey.. i love m c gainey! he was the only reason i watched the movie in the first place. lol  that movie is a bit of a lost fan's dream. hehe tom + keamy = yay.

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