Yeah, if you've got it flaunt it. lol
James McAvoy is this weeks SIARPC !
That'll be interesting... With Amy McDonald recently it's been a bit Scottish this season.
Indeed. He doesn't look like a fast driver but you never know...
Yeah, I don't think he'll be great around the track. We'll, see... we may be doing him a massive disservice.
I don't know why but I want him to be really duff at driving
There has to be one ever year... and it would counteract Wanted nicely. lol
I'm guessing Wanted wasn't very good?
Well done Scotland in the rugby
Hardly watched it... he played a natural born assassin with skills like driving well.
As for the rugby, I no longer have hands... I chewed my nails down to the wrists... It was a bit tense.
Heard it was tense.
Loved TG last night and James McEvoy was good too.
He did do well. I am surprised... his mentioning the Bill was fun... That's when we all found out he was acting.
Did you see the Oscars? Poor Jennifer Lawrence tripped getting her award.
Didn't see it live. Poor girl she must have been morto. Did you watch it live?
She's a brilliant actress so delighted she won though.
What are your thoughts on Cardinal O'Brien resigning?
I did. So I'm operating on negligible sleep here.
She took it in good grace, plus she had Hugh Jackman help her up, it's all good.
He should resign, if it's true then he's hypocrite... if it isn't he's still homophobic.
You must be shattered eeek.
Yeah... apparently he was voted bigot of the year.
I'm not... I'm hyper!
He did... Sometimes being catholic is embarrassing... we aren't all bad...
I know... I'm one too [sort of] though I'd consider myself Christian more than Catholic.
Ah well to cheerier things. *nods*
I got high-fived by a kid today... I was trying to signal her to back away from the hot plate at the time... which is why I fail at discipline.
Awwww thats quite cute
I was... but she's up and down like a yoyo that one... I think we may have to put glue on the seats.