I wasn't impressed with Kia rugby... plus the SITRPC was crap...
Next week boys... do better!
Didn't see TG yet cos the snooker was on here til nearly 10.30
Watched a weird German film called The White Ribbon on BBC 4 instead.
Not a great episode by the sounds of it then.
Very artsy sounding.
You may enjoy it... Hammond has to go through Mexico, Mexico gets to look pretty.
It got good reviews so gave it a try.
RH in mexico... interesting!
Oh b.t.w. my father got discharged. He was offered a care assistant it turns out , He was either being grumpy or confused. Two daily short visits and basic help like heating soup and stuff.
Will that be enough? Better to be out of hospital though.
Think they will dress him + empty his you know what etc as he had a colostomy bag fitted last year. There was also a handrail fitted on the stairs. Still waiting for more info. My Bruv is one of those guys who doesn't like to ask for help etc. I keep wanting to send stuff over but he keeps saying no wait
I imagine he could get DLA to help with his care, but who knows nowadays.
hope you're well xx
Hope it'll work out well for you all. (((rosie)))
I'm ok...police haven't been in touch, think I've got away with being a witness. *phew*
Hope it'll work out well for you all. (((rosie)))
I'm ok...police haven't been in touch, think I've got away with being a witness. *phew*
What happened?
Hope you are ok Hitch ?
Oh yeah ok... drunken screaming outside my close, police thought it may have been a rape... I gather it wasn't.
Oh thats shocking. Thank goodness it wasn't... hopefully.
I haven't heard from the police since Saturday night, when they told me they may need to come get a statement... I would presume since I haven't heard from them things are ok... *shrugs*
Oh right. It must have been bad if the police got involved. Hope whoever it was screaming, is ok. How close was it?
I think she's ok... weren't exactly blood curdling screams or anything, just alcohol and bad feelings. My bedroom window is right above the close door, so close indeed.
Thats close... must have sounded scary.
On a waaaaay lighter note, Steve Backshall was briefly on Sara Millican's show Tues night. Not really worth watching. He could hardly say anything without her + the audience being filthy. It wasn't funny + I just felt sorry for him.
I heard he was on... not really a fan of hers.
I'm sure he took it in good grace, but if men treated a woman like that there'd be an outcry. I say, but I haven't see it...
He did take it in good grace, he seemed quite innocent + it mostly sailed over his head lol.
True..if a man did that..
He comes across as a big dork most of the time... Although, I will say he is very aware of what he's doing with the shirtlessness. I think he's learned to ignore it for the most part.