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Yeah... not much... away goals and such like... lol


I have been cheering myself up. *nods* I made gifs of Mads Mikkelsen, as I was doing that an official promotional picture of him as Hannibal Lectur was released... Then I got a pointless answer watching Pointless (of course) by recognising a statue of my favourite scientist (Tesla). I am all giddy now.


There was also the most epic Tumblr post ever... (that's my page... feel free to nosey. May contain Les Mis spoilers.)


Yay for unexpected good things!


Hitch could you please tell me about your father's physio and aftercare after his hip break? Bit worried as the hospital rang my brother saying our father refused physio + help with washing feeding dressing once he gets home. My Bruv asked our father who said he didn't refuse  Huh? Are the NHS pulling a fast one? My father has no carer as Owen is out all day working and I can't get home to N.I.

He's about 80 and starting to fall so worried about him especially as his bedroom is upstairs and he has to use a zimmer now.



Dad says he was happy with his aftercare. Physio came regular, not much help round the house... but then he was younger and had me and mum.


Makes sure, I mean keep on at them, if you think they are going to play silly beggars... He should also be supplied things for the house, a cushion for sitting higher, a picker-upper, a frame for over the toilet and a shelf-seat for the bath/shower.


Hope it gets sorted out, really not fair for your brother if he doesn't get help.


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