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Originally Posted by hh42:

I honestly can't remember. lol Don't think it was the best... sure I've heard worst. Someone recently sounded Irish, can't remember who.


Worst Irish? Tom?

I'd say TC in Far and Away... that line: Shannon... you're a corker! 

Haven't seen it but Kevin Spacey's in Ordinary Decent Criminal was dire apparently.

There are more, but a.t.m. I can't think too, lol.


Brad Pitt's Belfast accent in The Devil's Own wasn't bad.


At least Americans have an excuse...being from another continent. Hate it when some UK people claim they can't understand even a soft Scottish or Irish accent eg Dara O'Bran was criticised recently as unintelligible 


Oh and heres another thing [sorry, rant alert] that Michael Portillo was doing his railway programme t'other day and pronounced camogie as cam-o-jeee 


Sorry. How are you?  are you making pancakes?


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