No, I'm hoping they are mrs Doyle. Make with the tea peoples!
Ahhh I see. Hope you'll get a cup [and a huuuuge pile of sandwhiches too]
Hmm.. maybe not the sandwiches. Mini sausage rolls on the other hand.
b.t.w. thanks again for the brill Roger gif. I am obsessed with it already
...also slightly obsessed your Barnabas one! Dunno... he's one of those people you can't take your eyes off... ... >>>>> hypnoticly gazes
I shall leave you to have enjoy Friday evening in peace I've been in an awfully lazy forum faffing mood lately. Need to do some chores!!!
I'm glad you like it. Would you believe I found the clip by typing "Family Guy Roger"? Well done YouTube for knowing my brain.
Ah Barnabas, surveying his new domain (the new Collinswood house was built after he was... *ahem* interred...)... Did you notice the portrait? It's meant to be him, I don't think it's a great likeness. (I also made a gif of Willie Loomis' face when he see's Barnabas for the first time... because it's hilarious.
Did you?
Oh yeah... it IS his portrait
Sorry... nipped back in to strut my new name... the fka is only there temporarily.
Lovely new look. Work it girl... umm... alien...
*works it*
Currently watching Kangaroo Dundee. Lots of cute little joeys.
Joeys! Joeys are cute by default... any marsupial... the joeys will be cute. *nods*
Have decided my avatar isn't good for sore heads... Am going to have a rethink.
There you go... the Barricade boy with the cheeks (Courfeyrac). Definitely more soothing...
He's easy on eye
Tonight's TG is a road trip through the deserts of America, ending in Mexico!
All the barricade boys are. Even Grantaire, who is described as monstrously ugly in the book. This one *points at avatar* is played by a nice wee Irish lad called Fra Fee, and is favourite.
I am looking forward to this Top Gear... road trips are also favourite. *nods*
Also, 6 Nations weekend salvaged thanks to Italy, my wee Martin Castrogiovanni got a try. Guess what he is? That's right, favourite.
ETA: Barricade boys (minus Marius... Marius is meh anyway.)
Mmmmm thanks for even more eye candy
I love the road trips best!
Have you seen Les Mis yet? Are the Barricade Boys (L'amis de l'ABC) helping you decide to see it?
I love James' car... I never love James' car! O.o Can't wait to see the Mexico thing now.
Can't do cinema [ cos of the agorathingy ] but the online fairies can get it. I love Subo's Dreamed a Dream though.
RH in Mexico... can't wait either.
Pixies are good. I like the pixies.
They're the best... will get G.O.T. from them hopefully.
Wouldn't need to if box-sets weren't so extortionate. Same with ebooks - my brother says U.S. prices reduced after widescale pricefixing was rumbled.
Soon! Soon! Season 3 is nearly out! You have to catch up before pixies stop seeding earlier episodes!