I bet they are
*head desk* I am ending this week with two overtime sheets on the go... Here's hoping I put the right thing on the right sheet.
Lol hope so. How is your back problem? All recovered hopefully?
Back is currently hunky-dory. Thank you for asking.
Everything ok on your end?
Glad the your back injury has healed.
I'm doing ok-ish thanks. My father suffered complications after the hip op and it looked dicey for a while but he's improving.
Got a new community nurse who is already an improvement - even after one visit. She's a bit young but she'll do.
Hope everything goes ok for your dad. Complications aren't good.
Yay for useful nurses! Maybe young, but she's got to start somewhere. *nods*
Thanks. How long did it take your father to walk after his broken hip?
A few weeks... not really sure. wasn't a majorly long time.
Thats not so long.
Though I'm not close to my father when it looked like the auld fella might slip away, it was so sad. He was in intensive care, his blood pressure kept dropping, then needed a blood transfusion, then developed fluid on the lungs. The doc rang my brother saying he had v.little energy and it wouldn't take much to push him over the edge. I prayed and prayed. He recovered thankfully, but has a persistent infection and you worry about NHS hospitals these days. Lets hope he pulls though.
You mentioned your father didn't get that great care in hospital so you probably know what it feels like
My dad wasn't put into traction until the day before the other hospital were coming to pick him up for the operation, he was in agony until they did that.
Then after he was out his wound got infected, thank goodness my cousin is a nurse... she pushed for NHS24 to get someone out to him.
Hope your dad will be ok.
Not exactly cheery, but slightly cute... Cassetteboy has worked his magic on JM. http://youtu.be/HZZaAad8N7U
Oh thats awful, your poor father
Thanks for the good wishes - he seems better today.
Thanks for the JM clip - watched it without audio [having pc probs, probably Win8 related]
Edit: fixed He's lovely when he's grumpy
Grumpy is excellent. *nods* So, did you see TG? Jezza's vignette was brilliant.
Indeed it was brilliant. Jezza's contraption, "the P45"
Do you think he's taunting peeps who demanded he be sacked?
Vignette is a lovely word - shall nick that *nods*
Hehe I like to think he is. Taunty taunty!
The Dragons' Den bit. lol
Damien Lewis' lap looked a bit hairy. Was he even slower than Richard Whitely? Really?
Yep. Suppose on a frozen track it was ok though. The dragons den bit was brill!
To be fair to Jezza... I have trouble understanding that guy and I'm Scottish. XD
b.t.w. have you seen Harry and Paul's DD spoofs, they're funny.
No... not a fan of Harry and Paul... I do remember them doing a TG skit once.
Yeah a lot of people don't like them. *shrugs*
What kind of stuff do you like? Only Alan Carr HIGNFY TG and maybe Jo Brand make me laugh out loud.
Miranda and Mrs Browns Boys are painfully unfunny