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It was... been singing "can you hear the people sing" and "I dreamed a dream" since I left the cinema. I cried, but not as much as I was led to believe I would... also, I cried a lot more during the last 2 acts of La Boheme. I think, if I'd seen the show or read the book... they didn't explain "L'amis de l'ABC" enough, I didn't bond enough with them. No matter how pretty Enjolras was.


If you were on Twitter I would direct you to EmergancyPuppy. Cute things on tap.


Ah Hitch, my cultured friend  I don't know much about opera but enjoyed what little I've heard. Saw La Traviata when I was a kid [ the elderly lady next door Miss Mehaffy used to take me to shows] and wept buckets. Also used to listen to Maria Callas when travelling on the train between Belfast and Dublin when at uni. Looking out at the scenery + her voice = bliss.


Oh and Nessun Dorma in Italia 90... sigh.


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