I saw bits of it (meaning I switched off when it got to bugs *ahem*). Polar bears and Huskies were cute.
The parasites eating from the inside was pretty scary. Especially that creature that came out of the snails tentacle thing
Yeah... Umm... kind of why I turned it off. lol
Tried to concentrate on Husky memories.
Gah!.. When my old laptop packed up I lost Game Of Thrones which I hadn't got round to watching. Is it worth seeking out?
It is. *nods* Only issue is the"sexposition", it's tiresome. But Tyrion, Arya, Bronn and puppies (direwolves) more than make up for that.
Numpty here was late for her overtime... by two days. This forum needs a "ground opening up and swallowing you" smiley.
Aww Hitch you work hard, no need at at all to feel bad... hope you got through it.
Oh-err... I heard GOT was a bit raunchy *coff* [secretly looks forward to being scandalised]
Hehe I think the main problem is so few of the instances are catering to us girls. Ok, Kit Harrington has his shirt off once (he is rather pretty), Khal Drogo is dressed appropriately... but the rest of it is full frontal Alfie Allen and Hodor (My eyes!!! )
You have probably realised I only know two of the actor's names of that lot. lol
Oh no if there is going to be raunch then it should be aesthetically pleasing raunch. I take it those two aren't exactly the body beautiful .
Alfie Allen would probably be passable if his character wasn't such a whiny jerk. Some would point out that Jon Snow (yeah, I know) is whiny too, but then again 1) Kit Harrington 2) not so much a jerk. As for Hodor... he's a good guy... but, Hodor...
Anyway, this show is actually so good you can look past all that.
Here's a picture of Jon Snow with Ghost(what a pretty baby wolf!). I don't find still images ever do people justice...
Dammit it wouldnt show for me. I heard about the direwolves though
yeah, It went dodgy on this end too. It was all pretty yesterday.
Anyway... it's better to watch the show. You can't screengrab and get the same effect as the moving imagine. (unless you can make a gif, which I can't. )
I have windows 8 to get to grips with so pretty much everything is going wrong for me a.t.m.
Why did they have to change it, just as I was getting used to the old Windows [shakes fist]
They are trying to make it all funky and smart phone like. It looks kind of awkward.
As long as it doesn't experience Blue Screen of Death, your good. I'm up to 3 this year, think it's a certain program though, which is due an upgrade. *nods*
Uh-oh thats bad about BSOD. Wonder whats causing it...hope the upgrade will help.
Everytime it's happened I've been running the pixies... Just the last 3 times.
How have you been keeping?
Um...I'm doing ok thanks. Have a new nurse coming to see me next Tues. Haven't really got into the New Year yet... y'know, getting on with resolutions and all that.
*Looks guiltily at exercise bike*
Ah... resolutions... I was going to try and be more positive... *ahem*
Great, let's hope this nurse is a vast improvement. *nods*
Yes that's pretty much my resolution too. And to focus on solving problems rather than wallowing in them
Thanks lets hope she's an improvement
How;s it going for you? I'm not very good at it.