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Originally Posted by hh42:

Oh my gods! I don't think Gagajoyjoy have a emoticon to cover that!


Thank you so very, very much... wow.

Oh give over  its tiny...   Happy Birthday Hitch !  

Believe me I spent so much more this year on people I don't even like.

Also... as I got rid of my awful community nurse who usually gets a present... there was ÂĢÂĢÂĢ's to spare.



Same Dwarves as the last time. *nods* Kili, Fili, Oin, Gloin, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Nori, Dori, Ori and Thorin Oakenshield. (*ahem* You did ask. )


My friends weren't thrilled with the movie... too many added bits. I have pre-warned them about the added "romantic sub-plot" in the next couple of films. I noticed things that I didn't spot the first time. I enjoyed it still.


See this whole thing about the 48 frames per second instead of just the 24? Supposed to make it look "too real"... I couldn't see any difference. *ahem*


Ohh the Hunger Games... I wanna see that, please give me your verdict. I really like the actress as she was in an amazing film called Winter's Bone.


I'm keeping ok thanks. Just got my New Years shopping delivered from Tesco... am so sick of turkey so I went for party food and snacks to keep me going to 2013,


How are you? When do you have to go back to work?


It is good. Very good. *nods* if possibly read them first (all three, some book 2 stuff is shown in the first movie.) I got ÂĢ15 off the whole series on kindle, quick reads too.


I don't like turkey, but having a similar feeling with chocolate. Party foods are a great idea, mini sausage rolls are the greatest.


I'm alright. Technically the 7th, but doing overtime on the 5-6th, every little helps.


Film it is then, but they are still making the second one and who knows when the third'll be out.


Mini foods are better than normal sized foods. Fact!


Steak and ale pies are surprisingly good... you don't taste the ale at all.


Crappy, yes. I nearly cried when I looked at all the sweets I got this year for xmas, I'm not really sweet-toothed and there's loads to get through... put on nearly half a stone as it is.


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