Bit disappointed theres no TG special... was something to look forward to over Christmas.
Was Looking forward to it too.
There's a Mock the Week Xmas special on my birthday... Not quite the same though. Disappointing Xmas televisually.
Haven't really looked in the Radio Times- is Christmas tv disappointing? Theres a series of old films coming up, saw it advertised on BBC4 - Liz Taylor, Marilyn, Ingrid Bergman etc but no Bette Davis. I'm in a grump about that.
Oh well
Oh *coff* b.t.w ...
*pokes Hitch to make her do a Christmassy avatar*
It is a bit disappoint in general, yes. There's new Doctor Who to look forward too, it has Madame Vastra and Jenny which'll be nice.
Up and something else good I can't remember are on BBC.
There's not much else really... sadness.
*rubs arm where you poked it* ow! I'm on it! I'm on it!
You're on it...good
A new avatar... for Christmas.. C'mmooooon
Sorry but its Christmas.... tis the season to be jolly no? *nods*
OK, Santa Quentin. He may bury a bone under your tree rather than a gift... but only if xmas is on a full moon.
Good choice Hitch Love it!!!
Festive... with a hint of darkness
Thank you. Quentin Collins is my second favourite Dark Shadows character, after Barnabas of course. Dr Julia Hoffman is third.
Great choice indeed Hitch
Something so suitable about those sideburns at Christmas - Dickensian
He is from the 17... something or other timeline. (have I ever actually tried to explain this show? I think it would give me an aneurysm. ) A little early for Dickens, but close enough. (ok, not at all.)
He is from the 17... something or other timeline. (have I ever actually tried to explain this show? I think it would give me an aneurysm. ) A little early for Dickens, but close enough. (ok, not at all.)
That didn't make sense - and is why I like you
*nods* I didn't think it did... that what remotely explaining Dark Shadows does.
*tries again* Although, the main body of the show is set in the late 60s/early 70s... there is a doorway on the staircase that contains a portal to different times. Quentin is from the 18th century.
I could no more explain to you why I love Mad Men and the looks on Don's face, the music etc.
Sometimes you just get it...
Yes... I think that covers it.
"Just do" is the best reason for liking anything.
Yes... I think that covers it.
"Just do" is the best reason for liking anything.
Exactly. Good mantra that *nods*
It is.
I have just just seen Friday's Have I Got News For You... Ban Ki Moon singing Santa Claus is Coming to Town... that was adorable.
It is.
I have just just seen Friday's Have I Got News For You... Ban Ki Moon singing Santa Claus is Coming to Town... that was adorable.
Missed that, sounds funny
How are your Christmas / Birithday celebrations going? Hope you have something left to open !!!
umm.. not much so far... going to see the Hobbit again with my friend on my birthday. I got into trouble for going without her. *ahem*
umm.. not much so far... going to see the Hobbit again with my friend on my birthday. I got into trouble for going without her. *ahem*
Whaaat... explain