Yep got a Cadburys one and it was a choc santa. DIdn't eat it though. Cos if I eat one...
Hehe. You should've got one of those holy ones, no sweeties, just holy pictures. They glitterbomb your livingroom though.
Digital advent calendars for the win! I got an unidentified petpetpet (yes, that is a thing) plushie yesterday... off to see what I get today.
Today I got a Skullberry Brucicle,
Molten Branch Sword
Molten Holiday Tree
That went weird....
This is what I get for c&ping from neopets.
Hehe. You should've got one of those holy ones, no sweeties, just holy pictures. They glitterbomb your livingroom though.
Digital advent calendars for the win! I got an unidentified petpetpet (yes, that is a thing) plushie yesterday... off to see what I get today.
Waaaaaaaaaaah I wanted an old fashioned one with just pictures but was limited to the selection from online Tesco or Asda because all my groceries are delivered. I'm tempted to open all the doors to scoff the chocs and that'll ruin the build up to Christmas.
Your calendar is lovely!
Never thought of a digital one ta I'm off to investigate...
ah... boo to tesco/asda and there lack of selection.
Merlin twitter has one of sorts... they posta link. Today was Evil Queen Gwen memes.
That sounds right up your street lol.
I found an advent calendar on the Archbishop of York's site, a nice religious one.
York! My fear has been cured.
Overtime is back. At Broomhill though... I gets to drive there and back. I missed my turn in the dark though.
Oh no! Glad you made it home safe.
Went round in a circle and found the turn again.
I'm sure that on the way it's before the traffic lights, not sure how it got before the traffic lights on the way back... They must've moved!
The furry mountain gorillas are on again [BBC4]. They're furrier than the regular type. The babies are so cuuuute.
Drove back today with no problem (unless you count the dude that beeped me the very second the light went green. *rolls eyes*)
Mountain gorillas are cute. I like them and Orans. I dislike chimps.
Oh! Orans are cute, and the little babies cling to you.
I don't like chimps. Isn't funny how people sometimes think chimps are cute when they are vicious carnivores who hunt prey+ kill each other. Maybe because of Cheetah off Tarzan?
Gorillas are seen as threatening but are vegetarians.
Chimps are nasty. It is to be noted that at Blair Drummond Safari park they are kept on a island... away from everything else. When the boat comes round, they all stare occasionally they throw stuff, if you're lucky it's veg/fruit.
Aye they are - aren't they the closest relative to man which is why they're so savage and warlike.
Hey I'm getting philisophical.
I suspect that may be why I don't like them. *ahem*
Oh b.t.w. hope you're getting some good dosh for your overtime
It'll not be bad... but I'll be missing a day since I got sent home from work ill today. (standard headache nonsense) Pretty much slept from 11am to 4pm today.
Much better now, which is good because I have rugby tickets for tomorrow.
How are you keeping? Resisting the lure of calendar choccies?
Oh no. Sorry you had a bad headache
Maybe its the new year approaching but I feel like re-organising my life. Went through such a bad time with Mrs Madwoman next door and I realise a lot of the stress was exacerbated by my community nurse. I've got so I've started to not tell her things, I find her response so stressful [just pooh poohing me when I tell her my fears that Mrs Madwoman will continue staking and harrassing me]. She is unempathetic, unhelpful and obsessed with precribing meds instead doing any real work to help me like liase with the local community police offer to discuss the situation and how to help me, despite my asking. I'm gonna get shot of her and get another to drop off my meds. She has no social skills and is so arrogant she actually tells me how I am feeling and won't accept or listen to what I'm telling her - that actually I feel better off the weight gaining meds. I'll probably make a complaint too.
Sorry but well you DID ask! *grin*
My word she sounds awful! Yes, totally get shot of her. *nods*
Yes, I did ask... remember I told you if you ever need to unload.
Aww thanks I know that Hitch. Luckily I just sent a big long email to my friend Noelle and got it off my chest
Ah I'll be ok. Maybe I'll sue the CMHT for not sectioning Mrs Madwoman sooner and allowing her to deteriorate and harass me continually for months + probably into the future... Causing me unnecessary mental pain + suffering. I could pay off my mortgage with the compo
Hows you?