oh no! 2-1... bad luck Scotland
Nevermind! We have other things to occupy us!
Firstly, I have made you a cake!
I have also arranged some special guests. Roger here has brought you a wonderfully wrapped gift.
Finally, a toast from a certain Mr Draper.
Have a great day.
Hitch I have the biggest smile on my face right now You have just designed me my absolute Dream Birthday Party. Thank you for going to the all the trouble!
I hope you shall attend this party You can put on some of that prog-thingummy music you like.
I shall. I shall bring nibbles!
Thanks again Hitch you really outdid yourself . I LOVE that photo of Don Draper and of course Roger the Alien is the perfect addition to any party. And that cake *slobber*
No "dizzy juice" as Roger calls it for me today but I've just brewed some Jasmine green tea. Chicken dinner is in the oven. I even tried to make a sponge birthday cake but it didn't rise and came out like a giant rich tea biscuit. I've put icing on it anyway and put it in the freezer to set
*helps self to nibbles*
You know something... A giant rich tea biscuit it my idea of heaven.
I tried to angle Neil to match the cake, he's a bit jowly now. lol
lol his gorgeousness remains. What a great cake
The giant Rich Tea with coconut icing tasted quite nice
Received a couple of Amazon vouchers for my Birthday so I had a good time putting goodies in my basket. I bought an ebook http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bring-up-the-Bodies-ebook/dp/B006PVYYEG/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1350158328&sr=1-1
And an mp3 album, Coles Corner by Richard Hawley
Thanks again. Your Birthday gifts really made me>>>
Hope your back is improving xx
Sounds like it was a good day then.
Coconut icing sound even better. Yummy!
You are welcome. You gave me a nice birthday thing, so it's only fair.
I came off my diet for the day. Actually been not so strict Atkins-wise as I recently stopped medication that was probably making me gain weight.
Lets see how it goes. Would be nice to have some treats for Halloween.
Halloween soon! Yay
I love Halloween!
Baked a cake tonight, this thread put me in the mood for it.
Glad you are off you medication.
You baked a cake? Nice one what's it taste like?
Halloween is my favourite time of the year. Can't wait lol
Vanilla mostly, extract in the cake, extract in the butter icing. yum.
I wish I had somewhere to go so I could dress up.
Nowhere to go for Halloween? Sure dress up anyway and have a party at home. I'm gonna decorate my place and play spooky music to get in the mood.
There may even be a spooky Autumnwatch on, I remember they had Halloween decorations on set last year
Your cake sounds lovely. Vanilla extract is great , I put it in my pancakes.
Could do that. Spooky Autumnwatch would be good. Although they have changed the episode formats for this year, looks like less Autumnwatch.
Less Autumnwatch oh no!
I would love to go to a Halloween Ball but I'll never get to one.
Oh well.
Think I'll get food colouring and bake some stuff and make some punch or something. Maybe I'll start a Halloween thread in t'other forum ^^^^ and upload some pics of my Halloween attempts I have some decorations I bought last year...
Staying in is the new going out
we could have an online halloween party. No need to post pics of self, just say what dressed up as. pics of deccies, pics of sweeties/cakes/juices... guiser tallies and... spooky stories/clips/songs and what not.
Yay!!! those are ACE ideas!!! I'm not dressing up anyway... maybe a pair of home made red horns. My brother and I send each other pics cos I haven't made it home in so many years so I'd be taking pics of my decs anyway.
So glad you told me about El Dia de los Muertos - we can keep celebrating even after Halloween!!!! I'm gonna make pan de los muertos - have all the ingredients in the cupboard anyway It sounds a bit like barmbrack without the currants.
I'm not gonna waste the pumpkin insides either, but cook them like mexicans do, candied pumpkin? Maybe even salty roast snacks out of the seeds?
<<<< overexcited already.
lol Wow.. you got lotsa ideas. I want to make sugar skulls, Maybe buy the pre made royal icing and the tubes of coloured icing pens. edible glitter would be good too. Maybe somewhere will be selling white chocolate skulls, that would be even better.
I have no ideas...
Sugar skulls would be tricky to make *nods*
Tesco recipes have a few Halloween ideas http://realfood.tesco.com/reci...lloween-recipes.html
l fancy the witches hats and maybe the pumpkin bake.
Do you bake apple cakes with a coin [in foil] in Scotland?
I don't think we do, never seen them... but, that said, I am not experienced in the world.
They are difficult if done propely. I'm talking cheats skulls... actually... skull cookie cutters? bingo!