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Originally Posted by hh42:

Thank you Fluffy.


Yay! Happy Dia de los Muertos!


(and thank you Mexico for letting me enjoy Halloween for two extra days.)


Not my best Halloween, must say. I am now at war with the close cleaners. They don't know it yet. They made the close floor too slidey... just as well it was only the bottom two steps I went down...


Plodding along thanks  Guess what? I read a CBT book which really helped me. I emailed the psychologist in Oxford who wrote it, and have a phone appointment with her in 3 weeks. I've enough saved to fund proper private therapy luckily [don't spend much when you have the aggy-phobia-ness  ]. Think I might discharge myself from the local services... or they'll discharge me more like.  


Oh noes sorry you have a cold   Guess its an occupational hazard of working in a school?  


Isn't it 


Thanks for liking my FB background photo. Lived there until I was 9... was quite a shock moving to the city [especially Bellyfast  ]


In other news... watched a film last night [ The Station Agent ] with Peter Dinklage [Tyrion] and John Slattery [Roger Sterling from Mad Men] in it. Two of my all time favourites in one scene... it weirded me out maaaan  


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