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I'm doing ok thanks. Mrs Madwoman is still banging but the managing agents of my apartment building are taking it more seriously after I threatened to get a solicitor on them. The next step would be them taking legal action against her landlord. He served an eviction order [up a month ago] which she ignored but he won't take court action to enforce it so far.

I bought myself a little DAB radio and I use earphones to drown her out in the meantime. That and earplugs. 


Sorry you're sore, a sore back is no joke . Hope it gets better soon.


Me? Well...

Bad news: Mrs Madwoman put a cd recording under my door last Friday with a veiled threat written on the envelope not to discuss it with anyone or she'd find out.

Good news: I passed it on to the CMHT, and today I heard steps are underway to take her into hospital. Although there was a false alarm before  hopefully this time its true.


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