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I've nearly broken the ten stone barrier... onwards and downwards! Not bad from a starting point of nearly 14 stone in Spring 2011   


I'm really enjoying The Vikings. Pity its over tonight. Was interesting to learn that when the vikings settled in York they sickened and died. Told you about that place 


I like the idea of rotten shark... must admit... and a drink called "black death"? Bring it on! (Also... bonus smut. )


I got a bit embarrassed though.


Neil: "of course, everybody knows about Canute."

Me: "umm..."

Neil: "so, I wont need to tell you what he did." (can't remember wording)

Me: "umm... tell me please!"


I though Canute was an Eskimo name. *ahem*


Nevermind. Follow count rises and drops like nothing on earth, plus about 35% of the average person's followers are bots. *nods*


You don't need to sign up to see most people's tweets...


Actually best description of twitter I ever heard was "one big family watching tv together", because that's essentially what you do... for example last night was a night of "scary angels" and "oh noes Rory!"


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