It is. I wouldn't fancy living on a diet of gannets
Me neither. fussy eater at the best of times.
Although, could do with some St Kildans here... take care of the seagulls, should've seen Mitxy and her neighbour the other week, plastered.
Eeew not pleasant, poor Mitxy
Luckily the rain came down not long after. heavy rain is the car owners best friend. *nods*
Handy stuff, rain.
There was a Steve Backshall double bill last night. He did the programme after too. Just narrating unfortunately.
Yeah, I heard the narration... didn't finish the show though. Seemed to be pretty much what Chris Packham had just done.. better. lol
Yes I noticed that too.
Will you be watching the Olympics Hitch?
I shall not. I have to taken to calling it (as started by a twitter pal) Volde-sport. Looks like all my day time shows aren't on properly for two weeks.
Is this how people feel during the euros/world cup? is horrible...
I might watch the tennis and see what else grabs me.
I think Neil Oliver is on stv news today... Bit about he battle of Bannockburn and there was a guy with the right length black hair digging... I failed to pay attention so not 100% sure.
It is him... not sure if you can check the stv player down there... should be able to.
I looked at STV Player, even put Neil Oliver into the search box but couldn't see anything
I'll see if I can find it.
Try that, he's near the end sadly.
Third edit! A record. *nods happily* Play the "I'm Sparticus!" game with John Mackay. It's excellent.
Sorry I didn't check the link in time - they only keep the news for 24hrs so only Thursday's is there.
And after you going to the trouble, eek apologies Hitch xx
No worries. He was talking briefly about doing a dig at Bannock Burn looking for the actual battle site.
Thanks Hitch. Hopefully it'll be turned into a series.
Here's hoping.
Here's hoping.
Are you watching any voldesport at all ?
I enjoyed the women's foil final last night [I used to do fencing]. It was 11-11 between two italians and then went to a sudden death hit-off. Very 'citing.
I haven't. Did have a bit of temptation in that Ki is playing for the Korean team (I thought Olympians had to be amateurs?).