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I enjoyed it (maybe because it was the Rifftrax version). It's not really scary, the bunnies are too cute by far (Although, title of cutest horror stays with Zoltan: Hound of Dracula).


It would be ok for Halloween, but there are better movies for it (or worse, depending on your point of view).


I actually had a time yesterday trying to explain to someone that, as far as bad movies go, Sharknado is light-weight... doesn't rank. I have seen some that would... I have scars!


Oh... Do I send you to Manos: The Hands of Fate? I haven't even attempted it unriffed. Unriffed I have seen Trolls 2 (What even is that?) and The Room (possibly the worst movie ever made, once you get by the cringe it's hilarious. It's a bit "sexy" though... well, it tries to be. Failure. *nods* Not halloweeny though)...


Horror Channel showed a couple of movies recently that I didn't see the start of, but looked interesting. First was Popcorn, I saw only the very end... but looked interesting. The other was Sexy Killer, a spanish movie about a serial killer, It was about halfway through when I started watching. What I saw was hilarious.


Tormented, this is one I saw on MST3K, but I really enjoyed the movie. Maybe check and see if club MST3K has the unriffed version. (they try to link them if they can.). In fact club MST3K might have unriffed Manos too... but I would watch that with the riff first, it can be a slog if you don't know what you are in for. I would check other MSTied movies actually. Riffed or not. (They even riff the movie that was later ripped off by Michael Bay as "The Island". He got his legal ass handed to him over that one.) There is a varied selection; horror, scifi, teensploitation (The Beatniks and Girls Town are my favourites) and crime capers/cop movies.


... and I rambled on a might more than I would've liked to have.  Oh yeah... You've probably seen it... but Ginger Snaps and Ginger Snaps 2 (not seen the third, which is a prequel)... alright! I'll shut up now!

Last edited by hh42

No... just lots of people (visitors and staff) and Clydes. The official shop is crap though. They only have Team Scotland and Team England stuff (no Team Wales? On the same land mass?). I had wanted something for Tuvalu or Vanuatu... Fiji... Kenya... I can get Fiji/Kenya thing at the 7s next year I guess... Not the same.


I liked it. We were never going to compete with Beijing or London's opening, so we just had fun with it. Subo and Rod were awful though. I mostly liked the bits that pointed out no matter if the Tories are in charge of the UK, we remain liberal. (For example, whilst Nelson Mandela was prison, something Thatcher thought was proper. We changed the name of the street the South African embassy was in to "Nelson Mandela Place". Which meant the were forced to put it on all their letters. )

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by hh42:

As long as it cooler, I don't care.

Yes, a bit cooler and less clammy and humid would be welcome here too.

Also cooler damper weather is much better for the athletics, especially the longer distance events.

And they'll have to run pretty fast to get away from the midges 


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