he's allright, but his programmes do sort of blend into each other.
I got bored with his shows rather quickly. lol
Oh! Did I show you my friend's husband's webseries? He's Rowan.
Heh heh that was well done, it looked really professional
Kind of reminded me of a R4 series called Elvenquest.
I enjoyed it too. It goes modern day at some point, so no idea if he'll be in any more episodes.
In other news, I can't find my Italy top and am sad.
Aww shame have you something else blue to wear?
I'm kind of supporting England tonight as I like this team. Not too many prima donnas in it, plus I've always liked Gerrard. Also Roy Hodgson is so cute, I think he looks like a Womble.
He does... Wombleness is abundant. But I think he's proven himself enough...and I'm a 16th Italian. lol
I'm feeling blue that I can't find the top and wearing blue jeans... that counts!
England took one hell of a beating.
They played like wombles. No, scrub that... Tomsk wouldn't have missed a penalty.
Hope you can find your top for the semi final
To be fair to Ashley Young, should never have got to penalties... have you seen the stats for shots on/off target? Italy should've had it sewn up in the 90 minutes.
Although, Pirlo's penalty was class... I'm glad we got that. Also that Diamanti got the winning penalty since the commentators kept calling him a "West Ham reject"...
Germany... I imagine will win the semi, but I'll have fun hoping not.
oh yeah... I was singing "underground overground, wombling free..." at random intervals during that game. Thanks. lol
Were you? lol
Roy does look like a womble though... I keep expecting him to twitch his nose to the side.
I will be supporting Italy and I really think they can beat the Germans. They held Spain to a draw after all
Pirlo - his penalty was fearless. Wow!
I was indeed.
Yay... I have 3 days to find this top. Hopefully, will been able to join in the supporting proper.
Was wonderful, made the goalie look a bit of an idiot.
See Packham yet this week? Lots of interesting cute, fluffy things... Ok, one of the cute things wasn't fluffy persay... nevermind.
I'll watch it tomorrow on my exercise bike - I always treat myself to something good to watch while I'm pedalling away.
Yes! Pirlo made Joe Hart look like a silly little boy
According to the official app, Pirlo is a year older than me and Buffon 2 years... I deem the Italian sun bad for aging.
I used to get annoyed during Ukraine matches... "Shevchenko is old and slow now."... 4 years older than me!
You shall indeed enjoy Packham. I wish to see inside his brain at some point, because I'm convinced now that he is mental. (not show based)
I shall fit CP in between Wimbledon matches [ oh good, I like him when he's mental ].
Didn't Klinsman say Italy are a bogey team for Germany? Thats hopeful.
He's not so mental on the show. except when he pretends to be a giraffe because... you'll see *ick*.
Oh! Did he? *excites*
CP wasn't as mad as on Springwatch. A lot must be edited out.
Amazing that he could film so close to all those animals and they weren't bothered. I loved the little Australian quoll [the polka dotted one].
I'd imagine so. I also imagine there's a producer with a big stick saying "stay on script".
That said, this seems to be something he takes very seriously. He's almost poetic talking about it on twitter. Which is.. umm... kind of nice actually.
That was cute. The bandicoot was my favourite, much cuter than nintendo would have you believe. I have to say though, the concept of a marsupial weirds me out slightly. I can't deal with pregnant people. lol
Yes its great to have someone so genuinely appreciative of nature presenting it. Like the old days when they had actual experts presenting. I hate the way now they put any old jobbing presenter into science or nature programmes.
Like Richard Hammond and Julia Bradbury on Planet Earth Live- what was the bliddy point of that?
So much better! *nods* I never saw Planet Earth Live, I think I was put off by the presenting team. It's not like they don't have enough presenters... even Iolo if everyone else was busy (especially if there's pufflings involved. ).