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Yes... *doesn't want to say too much* Part of my disappointment with the finale was all that hinting coming to nothing. That'll be better for you if you try to forget about it until it happens.


What did you think of the children? Not what I was expecting them to look like.


I can tell you the 4 word summation of Bran's storyline now. "Bran finds a tree."


I haven't seen a full match since Sunday.


Ooops sorry - didn't see you'd replied. Doing ok-ish thanks. Have had trouble with my care since I told them I was going to complain - visits cancelled and increasingly  hard to get through on the phone. Can't even put in a complaint as I'm still waiting for my full notes, a year after applying.


I'm allright really... just grumpy. I have an advocate, so hopefully she'll help once the notes come back.

And there's World Cup and Wimbledon to watch... so alls well in the telly world.


How are you keeping?





Grumpy is understandable. *nods* There should be a way you could complain/kick up a stink without your notes. Where's Esther Ranzten when you need her?!


Yes, I came home and the England/Costa Rica match is on... Still not had an explanation of why we aren't watching the match that has Pirlo in it.


I'm ok... tomorrow between 1 and 2 pm my summer holidays start... and, as you know, I'm easily pleased about such things.


Moaning is allowed. They have been prats. They are continuing to be prats. You need to vent. *nods*


Yes, even more annoyed now that I didn't see Pirlo and Gigi's last match of this world cup (cryogenically freeze them for 4 years? That'd work right?).


I am on holidays. I don't have to go into my cleaning... yay! *prepares a 6 week or so slob*


Yay!  Enjoy enjoy enjoy! 


Sorry about Italy  Saw bits of it...  maybe not the way you'd want to remember them? They'd a man sent off for a horrible mid shin tackle. Potential leg-breaker... then things got worse... with the Chewy Luis incident. 


Pirlo can retire with pride - to his vineyard [ yes he has one! ]. I imagine him swirling his wineglass in contemplation and being cool forever...


The match did sound horrendous. *nods* Especially that tackle.


The Suarez thing was, unfortunately, to be expected... He'll never learn and needs a decent punishment for a change.


Ah yes... Before the Italy/England match, pictures of Pirlo looking relaxed and cool (and vineyardy) flooded my twitter timeline. It was appreciated.


*crosses fingers also*


Umm... washing/ironing to be done... Whoohoo...


Only a day or two of the AC left (yesterday we draw-win-win-win. happy.) and I have three MST3K episodes left... and a Gamera t-shirt set to appear (with the uber exciting game of "will it come to the door or will I need to go to the GPO?")


It's non-stop excitement here. *ahem*


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