I wouldn't mind if Croatia go through. They're the smallest country in the tournament I think? So they've done really well.
That would be nice, yes. Although, some of the fans have been numpties. :/
Did you see Chris Packham's new show last night? Very interesting, just glad I wasn't eating... quite a few bugs.
Will watch it on iplayer cos it clashed with the footy.
I v+ed it... Nice to see someone climb a massive tree and have the decency to look knackered... the anti-Backshall.
heh heh
I'll catch it tomorrow, oh and I must catch with the end of Springwatch too *nods*
Saw it
That orangutan was funny, giving Chris a real look up and down.
Yeah, there's a two page picture of that Orangutan and Chris in the radio times (last week's for this week's telly) which is very sweet. I love Orangs.
What did you think of the hummingbird footage? Might've been better without His giant head floating about in the background. XD
I thought it was quite impressive if a bit showy-offy.
Who do you want to win in the footy tonight Hitch? I'm going for the Czechs.
I think Chris can be a bit show off-y. Add in the BBC...
Yes, was going for the Czechs too... sadly he who shall not be named ruined that.
Tonight shall be Greece, they haven't got a hope in hell, but they do have our wee Samaras. *nods*
The one who used to play for Man U? I dislike him just for the amount of oily gunk he puts in his hair
C'mon the Greeks tonight!
The BBC have tamed Chris for this series though. No mentioning song titles, no knee rubbing, no overt geekiness.
Yes, he's how shall not be named is hated for many a reason... that is one.
They have. He did say on twitter though that he's perhaps running out of bands he knows well enough to play the game with. I'm sure we'll get a knee rub at some stage... we must! I demand it!
He's getting his geekiness out on twitter leading up to the episodes... he was a spam-monster on Sunday.
I didn't think he'd be a twitter type, but as long as he's being a science geek on it...
Does he mention pandas? He doesn't like giant pandas; or at least the resources spent on keeping them going as a species.
He hasn't that I've seen. I did see that article in the radio times though, and the one a year or so later with Martin disagreeing with him.
I suppose not being swayed by cute, fluffiness is a good trait to find in a naturalist... but I am. lol Martin's show... as soon as I saw the mother panda with her baby I completely fell in love with pandas.
Pandas don't do much for me, but then I love warthogs. I am officially strange
Ireland 60-0 in the rugby! Is there no end to our humiliation? [ Hangs head in shame]
I didn't really like then too much... until I saw the mother + baby. Saw them in China, was interested in the strange colourful birds flying around me.
Have warmed to Chris too... I never liked him in the 80s (well, I'm sure I liked him on first sight... just not after he spoke a few times. lol).
Ouch! Who were you playing? Ireland are normally good. (wont mention the Scotland result)
The All Blacks.
I thought Chris loved himself in the 80's, with his Billy Idol hair.
Yes that was it... That and his, not sure what to call it, the way he still is... not quite grumpiness... Ironicly, it's exactly the reason I like him now. I guess I'm just not as soft as I used to be.
Looking good for his age though...
Yes its not quite grumpiness, I can't think of the right word either.
He's a very singular character.
Oh and isn't it naff the way they have to put "secret" into programme titles now when its not secret.
*nods* I suppose it does balance out nicely with the fluffily sweet Martin. I like them together.
Oh yes! Like every single Brian Cox thing! Now, there is someone I really don't like... Ok, you don't agree with someone's (anyone's?) beliefs, no need to be a dick about it! I unfollowed him rather quickly. *nods*