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Thanks Hitch. Called the police this morning - 3rd time they've been round in a month. The police have been good, especially our local bobby who happens to be a Scot, P.C Iain .

Mental Health services however have been appalling - "Care In The Community" basically means they don't give a frig  They know she's been off her meds and causing disturbances for months. 


Theres a lease governing this building so I'm hoping she can be evicted.


I could do with another spell please!

FM where your pets, petpets and petpetpets never die! loads of games and site events there. Only problem is Viacom bought it a few years back, They have lumped it in with Nickleodeon and making it a bit cutesier than it used to be. Originally for Students, by Students so loads of us oldies still  there... even older people. *nods*


Springwatch has been trying to break me this year... but then they show baby badgers and I get over it...


Footie. That'll be less stressful for me. Not there.



Just emailed the managing agents of this building again. Hoping to have mrs madwoman evicted eventually. I've  been pedalling on my exercise bike and watching the footy to take my mind off things.


Oh sorry - I've given up on Once Upon A Time. I couldn't get further than episode 6. I dunno why, I just couldn't get into it any more 


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