Silly Hitch
Silly? yes. Wrong? Not often.
Whaaa? No need to worry Hitch. You're one of the few people I know, who talks eminent sense most of the time.
You're still a silly though.
Thank you, you are kind. Unfortunately I live in a world of people who think a little differently on the matter... but nevermind.
I would be no other way. Let's hear it for silly sausages.
Btw: when is your birthday? It's not on your profile and after mine.. I need time to plan. *nods*
Its 13th October. The older I get the less I celebrate it.
Coast is back tomorrow. Neil Oliver better be in it, as it features Orkney and Shetland. I demand some windsweptiness.
That location sounds like a high level of wind swept Neil probability. *nods*
*has plenty of time to get planning*
Aww you're too kind Hitch. I've never seen anyone so pleased with virtual presents. Its truly the cashless economy we live in.
All presents are good presents. *nods* Plus, there was thought and effort.
The good thing about virtual birthdays is you can get whatever you want too
there is that too. *nods*
Coast was ok the Fair Isles look lovely. Not enough N.O. though.
There never is. We don't want to see random people in caves... when will they learn?
Yeah and I'm not a fan of Nicholas Crane - ever since he filmed in Leitrim and couldn't even pronounce it properly!!!
Terrible! *shakes head, but would mess it up herself*
I have to switch off the sat nav before I get home... the way the lady says "Scotstoun" went from funny to irritating extremely quick. *ahem*
Is it true that Jezza voiced a satnav or was that just a myth, I can't remember.
When I was in Halfords I saw a top gear sat nav... either garmin or tomtom... I'd imagine it would come with presenter voices otherwise what's the point... Although, as much as I adore James... would you follow his directions?
Good point. With his [lack of] sense of direction, who knows where you'd end up
Head for Largs. End up in York... Although... nice.
Oooh I don't like York Had a bad experience there which I probably told you about. Also, its really haunted
Sorry to hear that. I was there for a hen weekend a couple of years back, had a lovely time. Was staying round the corner from the minster in Gillysgate.
We missed our ghost tour.