I quite like wobbly carboard props.The original Star Trek had lots of unconvincing sets, even as a kid I noticed
*nods* When I was even younger it was Prisoner Cell Block H. wibbly-Wobbly jail cells for the win!
Ah-a but you're too young to remember Blake's Seven. Now THAT was a cheapo series [ still brilliant mind you ]
Technically I'm too young to remember Dark Shadows. All hail reruns and the interwebs!
Yay for the interweb
[I'm really enjoying Mad Men series 5 at the moment]
The real Don Draper died in the Korean war. His identity was assumed by Dick Whitman, who exchanged dog tags with the corpse.
Ah I see. Any reason?
Its kind of a long story. He didn't like his old life. He was dirt poor farm boy. His stepmother hated him because his real mother was a... ummm... lady of easy virtue, who died giving birth to him. Dad dead, only a half brother. Pretending he'd been killed was the best way to leave it behind and not have any more ties to it I suppose.
Him and the guy whose identity he assumed [ who was a middle class engineer type ] were digging a trench when the other guy got killed by a bomb. He looked at the charred corpse in shock... and then switched tags.
Oh and I think the other guy had less time left to serve in Korea, and Don/Dick saw it as a way to get out of the war sooner.
Ah ok... That seems fair enough. *nods*
Glad to be of service. Anything you want to know about Mad Men just ask. Now its my turn to geek out I love reading MM reviews/blogs and getting all peeved when they get tiny details wrong
Geeking out is the natural order. *nods*
Makes me laugh that people get called geeks for liking sci-fi/fantasy.... by people that can tell you what brand of fake tan so-and-so from TOWIE wears. Don't they know that's what "geek" is?
Do you read the recaps on TWoP? I don't always agree with them (they didn't understand the ending to Lost, I think Cindy got it... but the site in general didn't), but enjoy the snark.
Just read their latest Mad Men recap. It was quite god, but a bit short. I like going over every detail with a fine tooth comb - there's so much to savour.
It must be a weecap show then. They do weecaps as well as recaps...
Lost was recap, Chuck was weecap... I think it depends on what kind of show it is... Maybe mad Men isn't so much a mythology show?
Probably. Though it did get a bit fantasy-like last week when Roger did an LSD trip.
Oh dear! It was probably more sensible than the flight of conchords lsd scene... although, they had a great song.
It was a bit wacky. Whenever he opened a vodka bottle an orchestra played. Then his hair went half black half white. Then he saw himself playing in the 1919 "Blacksox" World Series. He woke up next morning full of insight and told his wife the marriage was over.
B.t.w. I'm getting used to your avatar. He seems quite dashing in a Steed kind of way