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They're good... they're just different. The problem is the split... like one book follows certain characters, then the next catches you up on what Tyrion has been up to and so on. Dany's storyline gets a bit... you'll see. That said you get to meet more of Oberyn's family, and the Sands are excellent. *not wanting to say too much of anything*


I took part in crowd funding recently to get some people from MST3K over to London for a film festival. Only ÂĢ5, not made of money. My rewards came through yesterday, thank you emails from Frank Conniff and Trace Beaulieu. The one from Trace is hilarious... made even more so, due to me reading it in my head as Dr Forrester.


You'll be ashamed of me... I spent most of the past two weeks...*ahem* binge watching MST3K...


I'll be on Mitchell soon. The last time I watched it, it was my second Joel episode (which I regret in hindsight). This time I'll have watched all the available Joel episodes before it... I'm expecting tears.


How has your Easter been so far? Getting any choc eggs?


 Not at all *I understands* When you love a programme... make way, life!


Once this current Mad Men 7 episode run is over, I'm thinking of doing a total Mad Men binge right from the start and even getting in the ingredients for a sweet old fashioned [Don's favourite drink] 


I didn't feel like Easter Eggs [not a massive chocolate eater] but will make pancakes or buns tomorrow - have yellow food colouring.


Hope you get a yummy Easter Egg 

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In the books it's consensual, most you could say was that Cersei was too vulnerable to be thinking properly.


Also the bit with the Hound was changed to a more "shocking" outcome. (In the books he works for a couple of weeks, until the locals get panicky... then he leaves with a "fair enough". No one gets beaten and stole from.)


HBO have a habit of this. For example, Dany's early wedded life with Drogo wasn't as forceful and rough as portrayed.


Ahh thanks, never heard of a sophomore slump.


Think its jumped the shark at this stage. You know when previously convincing characters do completely O.T.T. weird, out of character things and you think "NO WAY!" 


An English teacher once told us it was called "the suspension of disbelief"... the moment a book/film/programme loses you. It stops drawing you in and becomes just a silly made up story. 




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