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Originally posted by nosey rosie:
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by nosey rosie:
Heh heh you know your Stigs, BB's Big Scam Nod

well ben collins was confirmed as the stig unintentionaly in the hse report into hamsters crash where he was listed as "advisor and performance car test driver who appears on the show in almost every episode", that did sort of kill the mystery., the black dressed stig as i said earlier outed himself in his book (and that cost him his job).
Hmmmm Glance. Also - don't you reckon perhaps there are more "Stigs"? Surely with the really expensive supercars, their manufacturers would only allow their own test drivers to take them round the TG track?

no, they dont do that because when it comes to driving the soft squishy bit behind the wheel is the only variable so it has to be the same one for consistency, its also the reason that some cars dont get put around the track although most makers are happy to allow it.
Ah ok, fair points BBBS and Hitch. I was just wondering about times / placings on the track test leaderborad. Even if they gave the Stig several runs, and took his best time, what if a carmaker remonstrated and said "No way! our car can go faster!". What if someone offered the Stig a bung to go slower... Glance or gGod forbid hobbled the Stig? Eeker Ok I'm getting silly now Big Grin

Hope you're ok Ruby, is it a bug? xxx
Originally posted by nosey rosie:
Ah ok, fair points BBBS and Hitch. I was just wondering about times / placings on the track test leaderborad. Even if they gave the Stig several runs, and took his best time, what if a carmaker remonstrated and said "No way! our car can go faster!". What if someone offered the Stig a bung to go slower... Glance or gGod forbid hobbled the Stig? Eeker Ok I'm getting silly now Big Grin

Hope you're ok Ruby, is it a bug? xxx

the only issue there has been in the last 5 years was with vw, top gear insists that all driver aids are turned off for the stigs laps (he does quite a few in each car with the fastest shown) but vw will not allow driver aids to be turned off on the bugatti 16.4 because of the damage you can do to the gearbox if you arent careful, because of this vw would not allow top gear to turn them off (it is possible, the switch is low down under the steering column Wink) so they couldnt do a "lap" with the stig although they were happy to loan top gear one or two of the demo cars (which are normaly stored at the factory to allow new buyers to get a little training) for various episodes.

top gear did write to uk based owners asking to borrow one but since turning off the driver aids invalidates the warranty (it can be checked using the onboard computer) it was not something owners were prepared to risk, after 4 years of trying they gave up and finaly agreed to run a "lap" with the driver aids on and sadly that showed in the lap times produced by the stig.
Originally posted by hitchhiker42:
*nods* true enough... bugatti are happy enough to have hammond behind the wheel of the veyron and look at how expensive that was.

its not the only car in that price range that top gear have been allowed to use, the new koenigsegg ccx-r, the reventon and the zonda roadster were all in the 8-9 hundred thousand price range too.
hiya vixen, hope you are well? Smiler

haven't seen transformers two (keep missing the first one on the movie channels too). but erica olsen that recaps lost on darkufo's site has given it a bad review inspite of really enjoying the first one. hope it's better than she thinks it is. Smiler

just a guess, but are you perchance in possession of an orange networked phone? (marvel at my psychic powers *ahem*)

i have gossip... i have a boyfriend Nod who'd have thunk it? lol

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