A message from the big man himself..(copied from FB for the non FBers)
Hi everyone. Thank you for your continued support and best wishes and prayers. You are all in my thoughts too. Don't really get in the main "book" a lot do I'm sorry and feel guilty not replying to all your individual posts. Jo named my new kidney Valerie and I've shortened it to "Val" a bit more manly, well yes a bit, thinks of Val Doonigan.
Val is not completely asleep and is doing well trying to keep my creatinine level low enough to keep me off dialysis which is fantastic. Val however is puzzling the Drs how she's doing this without passing much fluid. This means a very thirsty toots is restricted to drinking a litre of water a day but I'm not clearing that amount so am gaining weight day by day. I am now carrying about 15 litres of fluid in my skin blood and everywhere.
They are trying on working on Val to pass more water. They would expect the output to grow day by day normally. So it's a bit of a waiting game. They are trying some infusions of steroids just in case there's any rejection going on that they are not aware of. Again thank you to you all for your thoughts best wishes and prayers and of course also to Jo and my family who have done and do all they can to help me with and through this.
You are all incredible ((Hugs)) xxx