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Update frpm the FB page


Toots is up to his usual self, joking, laughing and messing with the nurses .. so i can actually say he is on the mend, and in fine spirits 
his sister has got herself dressed and walking about! if all goes well now she has the drains etc out .. she will be allowed home tomorrow night! she aso says, that the love, prayers and wishes she feels soo much good in this world has made a massive difference.
Sis will be visiting James in a little while, and will text to let me know how he is, so i can pas it on to you all .. Thanks to Toots' brother too for the information.
So again .. blessings to all of you that have kept up the candles and prayers, you are doing well!! thank you soo very much! xx

Originally Posted by Kaytee:

Update frpm the FB page


Toots is up to his usual self, joking, laughing and messing with the nurses .. so i can actually say he is on the mend, and in fine spirits 
his sister has got herself dressed and walking about! if all goes well now she has the drains etc out .. she will be allowed home tomorrow night! she aso says, that the love, prayers and wishes she feels soo much good in this world has made a massive difference.
Sis will be visiting James in a little while, and will text to let me know how he is, so i can pas it on to you all .. Thanks to Toots' brother too for the information.
So again .. blessings to all of you that have kept up the candles and prayers, you are doing well!! thank you soo very much! xx

That's fantastic news. It's almost keyhole surgery from adult to adult so her recovery should be swift. So happy for all concerned. 


Update from Toots' brother on FB tonight

NEWS:His sister has been discharged YAY ..Toots is doing well.

To let you know for those who do not realise,Toots' recovery will take a long time, weeks maybe, so please keep your prayers going.

i will post once a day about teatime, from now on, so look in about then

Thank you again for all you have done for both of them,Toots loves hearing all your messages and cant wait til he can reply himself.  xx


Kaytee, thank you for the update.

I know about kidney transplants as my Sil has had 2.. first was from a relative and the second was a kidney and pancreas from a donor. It's a tough recovery process. That's why Toots and his sister have been in my thoughts. Look forward to the up coming updates and wishing them both a good recovery.


Toots Update



Toots' sis is doing well and is happy to be home. Toots has some colour in his cheeks and it will still be a long haul for him


Toots' brother asks that people still send hom their best wishes because he's looking forward to reading everyone's comments when he is able to. Toots' brother asks that you keep  sending your prayers for his recovery


Yes thanks for the updates  so pleased all is going well for Toots and Sis I always think the body has more intelligence than we often give it credit for. When it goes through invasion of any kind of an op.... it may take time in adjusting and doing what it can to heal and become whole again. I'm sure all will be well for both of them xxxxx

Yellow Rose

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