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Anyone else agree?!  All the programmes on Sky/Cable and also ITV2 and 3 and 4 have really LONG ad breaks...  It's ludicrous!


I actually TIMED it the other day, just out of interest, because I am so sick to death of it now, and the first ad break in the programme I was watching ,was a minute LONGER than the first section of the show.  WTF?! 


I have now actually decided to record stuff like Rookie Blue, Glee, American X Factor, and other stuff that I watch on cable, and ITV2 etc, and watch it later that day or the day after, so I can whizz through the breaks.. I recorded Rookie Blue on Universal yesterday, and it took up 1 hour and 20 minutes on my V+ box, and with the breaks out, it lasted 42 minutes! 


(Yes, I DO have a lot of time on my hands at the mo! )

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Originally Posted by El Loro:

OFCOM has rules on the length and frequency of adverttising breaks in their Code on the scheduling of television advertising (known as COSTA). Details can be found here


OFCOM does monitor television stations to see if they are complying. In their fortnightly bulletin which they published yesterday they listed various breaches which they had picked up.(pages 13 etc).

I wonder if this applies to the non terrestrial channels though?  Coz the ad breaks literally do drag on longer than the individual sections of the show...

Originally Posted by Christmas Cupcake:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

OFCOM has rules on the length and frequency of adverttising breaks in their Code on the scheduling of television advertising (known as COSTA). Details can be found here


OFCOM does monitor television stations to see if they are complying. In their fortnightly bulletin which they published yesterday they listed various breaches which they had picked up.(pages 13 etc).

I wonder if this applies to the non terrestrial channels though?  Coz the ad breaks literally do drag on longer than the individual sections of the show...

The rules do apply to non terrestrial channels as well - the fortnightly bulletin I linked to shows that there were breaches found on Zing, Sony TV, Horror Channel and CBS Drama.

OFCOM also monitored breaches on ITV1 and ITV3 but found that ITV had accepted they made a mistake so didn't tell them off. When OFCOM do their investigations, it takes weeks for them to make a final decision, so all of the breaches mentioned were months ago.


Repeated similar breaches by television channels can lead to OFCOM fining them hefty fines, but generally they only fine the porn channels where OFCOM have a zero tolerance level. That means that television channels can mess about with advertising and know that in all probability they would just get a slap on the wrist if they did it too often.

El Loro

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