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DAY 63


Charlie, Lisa, Rodrigo and David are in the Living room.

David is having a moan in the Living area about being up for nomination he thinks it's unfair that Lisa and Rodrigo are up because they have never been up for eviction before and are only up because Marcus and Siavash broke the rules.

Siavash and Bea are in the Garden. Siavash the White Rabbit had an appointment in the hutch at 9.06am and has been eating carrots for 1 hour and 12 minutes.

Lisa comes into the garden and Bea ignores her continuing her chat with Siavash. As Lisa quickly returns to the House Bea begins to bitch about Lisa not having any cigarettes; Bea says "Now if that was not a shining opportunity for me to offer her a cigarette I don't know what was". She proclaims "Let her smoke sand" then bitchily adds "It's a shame she cannot roll up some of her attitude and smoke that".


David tells Housemates in the Living room that he will give up smoking from now on and leave the house a non smoker. He says plus he will save himself Β£80 a month.

Dogface is in the Kitchen on her own. For her part in the task as the Mad Hatter she has to learn the difference between 25 teas before her challenge later today. Dogface is busy smelling the teas.

David, Charlie and Lisa are in the Garden talking about Friday's eviction.

Lisa tells Charlie she will never talk to Halfwit again, she says, "Halfwit hurt me and I was so upset" adding "I am a soft person really" She also says that she is looking forward to Friday's eviction now but that if she doesn't go she will laugh in Halfwit's face as he has been so "spiteful" towards her and clearly wants her to go.

Part 2


Lisa and Bea are at the Bus Stop. They sit in silence until Lisa tries to initiate conversation "tea party tonight". Bea replies "that will be nice". The awkward silence continues.

Dogface, the Mad Hatter is in the Diary room. Dogface has had to learn the name and taste of 25 different tea flavours. To pass the task Dogface has to correctly identify the three different tea varieties brewing in front of her.

As she tastes the first cup Dogface squeals in recognition and then tries to describe the flavours in the tea to Big Brother "it tastes mangoey, with a bit of chilli in it" She gives her answer as "is it a Mexican Chilli Mango"?

As she pours out the second cup Dogface groans and says "this is the most awfullest tea I have ever smelt in my life. It smells like fish. Like fishy fannies". She sips the tea and says "Oh I know what this is". She gives her answer to Big Brother adding "it is like being a Fish Mongrel, whatever it's called, I might have well have just licked a kipper"


Marcus and Charlie, the Knave and the Queen of Hearts are in the Kitchen. For their challenge, they have 2 hours to prepare and cook 60 jam tarts and 4 empty pastry cases. They have been cooking for the past 37 minutes.

Charlie tries to weigh the flour straight on to the plate of the weighing scale without the bowl to fill it in. Marcus laughs at his mistake.

Siavash is the Dairy room talking about the White Rabbit challenge. Siavash tells Big Brother that he doesn't think he can continue with the task because eating the carrots has made his stomach big and his six pack is "ruined".

Music plays into the House. Rodrigo makes his way to the tree trunk to smile into the magnifying glass.


Siavash is in the Bathroom. He finds an Ant in the bath and dramatically flings it out of the water proclaiming "Ant"

Lisa and David are by the pool talking about his argument with Marcus last night. David, referring to Marcus's insult to him says, "I'm not a fat c**t I've got a 32 inch waist".

Halfwit and Bea are in the Garden.

They are talking about the eviction on Friday, Bea says, "I don't want to go", Halfwit says, "I have a feeling that Lisa will go or possibly David". Bea says "I haven't held back". Halfwit says "As long as you haven't been two faced" Bea earnestly replies "I haven't".


Halfwit, Marcus and Bea are at the Bus Stop.

Bea thinks a flying ant has landed on her but it's Marcus throwing little bits of plastic at her. Bea jokes that the bit of plastic "looks like your willy". Marcus jokes "only much bigger" and proceeds to mount Bea whilst she giggles and shrieks. Bea tells Marcus to get off her and he jokes "I thought you liked sex". She retorts "not with you".

Most of the Housemates are in the Sitting room. Charlie is talking about the Alice in Wonderland task he tells Housemates he thought it was 'Alison Wonderland' was a person. Big Brother calls the Playing cards to the Living room to begin their task.

Big Brother has filled each of the cases with a different ingredient. Each Playing card must eat the tart in front of them within 1 hour.

The Playing cards uncover their tasks and the eating begins. Bea must eat a Wasabi pie. Lisa must eat a pie of pig's eyeballs. Lisa yells "I can see them looking at me" Halfwit must eat a pie of Head Cheese. David must eat a pie of pig tails "as he reveals the pie he screams and yells "pig cock!". As her fellow Housemates are gagging as they eat their pies Bea comments "this pastry is s**t".

The rest of the Housemates are watching on from the Garden. Halfwit is cheering Lisa on to motivate her.


Halfwit, Bea and Marcus are in the Bedroom.

Bea asks the boys if they think she moans, the boys tease Bea and tell her they think she moans a lot, Marcus says he thinks she moans the most in the house. When Halfwit tells Bea she moans she replies "I am never going to have your baby now. Denied".


For the end of this weeks Alice in Wonderland shopping task Big Brother has set up a Mad Hatter tea party, consisting of cakes, tobacco and alcohol served in teapots. Despite having to eat chocolate cake for five hours in her task Hira heads straight for the chocolate cake saying "I cannot resist".

As they are sat at the table Siavash decides to give a speech. He says "it has been an emotional ride and I am very, very glad to have met every one of you".

The task results are revealed during the Tea party. Housemates have passed.


Charlie is in the Diary room. He tells Big Brother he doesn't want to go on Friday because he is having such a good time in the house.

Most of the Housemates are in the Garden. Bea asks the Housemates how many people they have slept with, she tells them she thinks she has slept with a lot compared to others. Bea says, "That's bad isn't it?" Halfwit replies, "If you are doing it because you love it then peace, love and more power to you" adding "lovingness is great. It just means you are a very loving person. Numbers are not important… I think it's great"


Dogface and Rodrigo are in the Bedroom. Dogface is drunk and goes to see Rodrigo she tells him she loves him and that she wants to live with him and that she will miss him after the show ends.

Marcus, Siavash, Bea and Halfwit are in the Garden.

Bea and Marcus are flirting on the grass they are playing about. She giggles and tells him, "you act like this for attention; I'm giving it to you". Siavash, sat apart from the pair retorts "An attention seeking f**king baby".

David and Lisa are in the Diary room.

David and Lisa are talking to Big Brother about the eviction on Friday; they say they both want to stay, David says, "Lisa is my rock in the house". They say they think Marcus should go and they have noticed Bea and Marcus getting on very well together, but that this is all part of Bea's game plan.


Bea and Siavash are in the Bathroom.

As Bea is lying in the bath she tells Siavash, "If anyone was going to have a romance in here it would have been so much better if you and I had one. We would have been able to pull it off a lot better than you and Noirin". Siavash argues "I wasn't sitting around thinking oo let's have a romance. It's like a thing that happened".

Most of the Housemates are in the Bedroom.

Rodrigo beckons Charlie over and whispers "let's go to bed". Charlie whispers back "I will in a bit" the pair share a kiss before Charlie leaves the room.

Dogface joins Siavash and Marcus are in the Garden she is drunk and is messing about eating one of Siavash's carrots from the task. Dogface tells Siavash "Yes I am eating your carrot. And yes I don't know what you were moaning about as they taste divine". Marcus and Siavash laugh at Dogface's drunk behaviour. She drops a carrot and tries to pick it up 'like a lady'. They all laugh.


Marcus and Bea are in the Garden. Bea asks Marcus if she's really a "whinging mingebag". He says "yes", Bea asks him, "why didn't you say something to me you're suppose to be my friend" he says, "I knew you would have snapped out of it and become yourself again".


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Originally posted by Scotty:
"Charlie is in the Diary room. He tells Big Brother he doesn't want to go on Friday because he is having such a good time in the house."

I just know this is going to be smiley sickly sweet. Sick

I'm really happy here me, I don't wanna go *sob*,Me mother's ill *sob*, Ah just like 'avin fun like. I like everybody me like *Blubs* Thumbs Up

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