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Highlights from tonight's show, Tuesday 4th August, 9pm on Channel 4

" Rodrigo writes to royalty
" Bea dislikes Halfwits' bedside manner
" Marcus pulls offโ€ฆ.the mirror.
" Siavash and Marcus ignore the rules

DAY 601


Later today Housemates will nominate for the 9th time. Rodrigo and Dogface are in the Kitchen.
Rodrigo and Dogface are chatting and he tells her that he wants to meet the Queen. Bea comes in and tells him she will help him to get in contact with the Queen.

Halfwit, Marcus and Charlie are in the Bedroom. Last night Bea told Halfwit that she didn't fancy him. Halfwit is telling Marcus that he feels really negative in the house and that he needs to be more positive about things.

Siavash and Bea are in the Garden. Bea is telling Siavash about her conversation with Halfwit the night before - and recounting that Halfwit asked her if she fancied him and subsequently told her he fancied her.


Bea and Halfwit are in the Bathroom. Halfwit is trying to talk to Bea about their conversation last night. He tries to say he was joking about it but Bea tells him he sounded serious. The conversation is very awkward. Bea tells him "You put me on the spot". She asks Halfwit if they can talk about it later.


Big Brother has called Rodrigo to the Diary Room. Charlie, Dogface, Lisa and Hira are in the Living area trying to work out why Rodrigo has been called to the Diary room. They come up with several theories - one of which is that Rodrigo is about to be charged with a secret mission.
Big Bother, recognising Rodrigo's evident admiration for The Queen, gives Rodrigo the opportunity to write a letter to the Queen which Big Brother will send on his behalf. Rodrigo is extremely excited.

Halfwit and Bea are in the Garden. They finally talk about last night and say they will put it behind them.

Rodrigo leaves the Diary room and runs to tell the rest of the Housemates of the opportunity he has been given by Big Brother to send a letter to the Queen. He tells Housemates they can help him write it.


Some of the Housemates are in the Living room. Siavash, Lisa and David are speculating whether or not the Queen watches Big Brother. Siavash suspects she doesn't.

Rodrigo is writing his letter to the Queen with assistance from some of the other Housemates. Big Brother calls him to the Diary room to read his letter. He reads it aloud while regal music plays in the background.


Big Brother calls Housemates to the Diary room in alphabetical order to nominate. Hira and Rodrigo are in the Bedroom. It has been 46 minutes since Rodrigo wrote his letter to the Queen.
Hira is crying in the Bedroom - she is overcome with joy for Rodrigo, telling him "I'm so happy for you".

Bea is the first Housemate to nominate.


Charlie is giving Rodrigo a piggy back ride in the Garden.
Dogface is in the Diary room to give her nominations.


Some of the Housemates are in the Living room. Marcus is transparently trying to wind up Dogface, getting close to her face and pretending to touch her and then proclaiming "I'm not touching you". She tells him "Marcus you're annoying me". Marcus asks Dogface to do his washing today. Marcus says "I wouldn't mind going home this week" to which Dogface replies "You're trying to influence our decision". He claims otherwise, but she is insistent.

Halfwit is in the Diary room nominating.

Dogface is washing Marcus's clothes in the Bath tub. She tells David that washing Marcus's clothes is vile but she has to do it for the can of lager he gave her.


Housemates have been nominating for the past 2 hours and 11 minutes. Some of the Housemates are the Bedroom. Halfwit and Marcus are in the Garden.

Marcus tells Bea and Halfwit that he doesn't care any more about being in the house and that he is ready to go. He then says "I'm going to do my nominations and then channel some sexual energy". Marcus asks Bea whether she thinks his 'way is heroic'. She replies that it's not, but it is practical. Marcus declares "Well, I won't do it but I'll show you the way". Halfwit says "Let's go and see Marcus' way" and the three of them head to the toilet in the sitting room where Marcus pulls the mirror from the wall. Big Brother reminds Housemates not to tamper with any of the fixtures and fixtures in the house. "Shut up and get over it", Marcus says to the camera as he demonstrates how he covers himself in a duvet and stands in the corner, "job done".


Marcus is in the Diary room nominating. He is told that he will be punished for removing the mirror in the sitting room toilet and disregarding Big Brothers warnings. He is sent to jail for breaking a house rule about removing fixtures and fittings in the House.


Some of the Housemates are in the Living room. Rodrigo is having a discussion with some Housemates about the cleaning - he complains that not everyone does it and that everyone has to clean up after themselves. He says he wants to have a house meeting to resolve the situation.

Marcus and Halfwit are in the Garden. Marcus and Halfwit are wondering if members of the public fantasise about either of them while they are having sex.

Siavash is the final Housemate to nominate. However, when pressed for his choices he flatly refuses to nominate. Subsequently, Big Brother tells him that his decision not to nominate will have consequences for the other Housemates. He panics.


Because Siavash and Marcus have both broken fundamental Big Brother rules regarding nominations, all Housemates will face the public vote this week. As Housemates cannot be trusted to have their say, the public will get to choose who remains in the House and vote to save their favourite Housemates and the housemate will the least amount of votes will be evicted from the house. The Housemates will be not be informed of this shortly.

Siavash and Marcus are in the Garden. Siavash quietly confesses to Marcus that having refused to nominate, Big Brother informed him that his actions would have consequences for the rest of the Housemates. Marcus suspects it will result in all Housemates facing the public vote. They are talking about Housemates and laughing at the way some of the Housemates will react when they hear their name being called for eviction.


Charlie tells Rodrigo to get into bed with him; they chat and Charlie tells Rodrigo that he's excited about going out with him and David after the show. He continues to talk about how all his mates' will be dead excited to meet Rodrigo. He then says he hoped the pair of them are not up for eviction this week. They kiss goodnight.

Siavash and Marcus are in the Garden. Marcus tells Siavash that he is ready to go home. Marcus also says that he doesn't want to walk off the show and he hopes he's not too popular on the outside as this result in him staying in the house. Siavash says he doesn't want to have a free ride in the house.

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