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DAY 78


Charlie, Siavash and David are in the Living Room.

Siavash asks David to put a spider that he has killed into the bin, as he is too scared to do it himself. David refuses. He mutters to himself "it's dead, don't be scared". He then asks Sophie to do it and reassures her that it is dead, but Sophie says that she 'can't go near that'.

Rodrigo and Lisa are in the Bathroom.

Lisa asks Bea to look at her nipple hair and pluck it out. Bea takes a closer look.

David has come to the Diary Room. Last night Bea and David argued after Bea said she heard someone shouting 'Get David kicked out' over the wall.

David tells Big brother that it was 'difficult last night' and that hearing negative things about yourself 'really hits home'. However, he asserts that he is 'not bothered,' as it is 'just one person's opinion'. Even though Bea 'wanted [him] to feel like crap' he says he intends to 'mince it out like [he] minced it in' if he is evicted. He tells Big Brother that he thinks it will be between him and Bea at the eviction tomorrow night.

Sophie and Bea are in the Bedroom. Most of the Housemates are at the Dining Table. They have been doing this week's shopping list for the past twenty five minutes.

As the Housemates are putting requests in for the shopping list, Rodrigo asks Marcus to add his items. Marcus reassures him that he will later. The chat continues and Rodrigo is told by Marcus to 'shut up'. Rodrigo then starts shouting at him, telling him 'you don't tell me to shut up' and calling Marcus 'Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.'

In the Bedroom, Bea says to Sophie that Rodrigo 'sometimes sounds French'. Rodrigo is then heard yelling 'shut up shut up shut up' at Marcus in the Living Room. Rodrigo calls him a 'bastard' and tells him 'like you always say - **** off'. When other Housemates start laughing at him he tells them 'I'm being serious'. When Charlie tells him to be quiet Rodrigo starts to shout at him, 'are you telling me to shush?!'


Bea and Marcus are in the Garden.

Bea tells Marcus to come and talk to her at the Bus Stop whilst she has a cigarette, but he says he is comfortable where he is. She tells him 'don't be a whinge-bag'.

The rest of the Housemates are in the Living Room.

Big Brother calls one Housemate to the Diary Room. Charlie goes, with Lisa telling him 'always you, Charlie, always you…'

In the Diary Room Big Brother gives Charlie instructions about the Big Brother Magazine task. However, Charlie barely hears yet alone understands the instructions as he is mesmerised by the array of magazines on the table in front of him. He is instructed to take the magazines back to the Housemates and to 'peruse them for inspiration'. Charlie tells Big brother that 'this is mad' and 'it's great' to be able to read them.

He returns to the House and shows Housemates the magazines. Housemates read out excerpts of the magazines, focusing initially on gossip about Bea and Freddie.

Rodrigo runs into the Bathroom to tell Siavash that there is an article about his girlfriend. Bea reads a reference about her as 'Bonkers Bea' and goes out to the Garden to tell Marcus about it. He laughs and tells her 'you got off pretty lightly girl'.
Back in the House Charlie reads an article from BB8's ex-Housemates Bex that suggests he is 'fake'. He calls her a 'stupid fat bitch'.

Sophie reads an article about her being pregnant. As other Housemates laugh she tells them 'this is not funny' and that she hasn't had sex in the Big Brother house. Lisa smiles at the magazines as she reads and comments 'oh, it's fab though, innit?'


Some of the Housemates are in the Living Room.

Bea paces in the Living Room as she waits for the Diary Room door to open. She asks Housemates if they think she is bonkers. Lisa and Marcus both say yes immediately.

Siavash and Sophie are in the Sitting Room.

Sophie tells Siavash that the pregnancy rumour is 'taking the f**king piss'. She reads out an article about Siavash's girlfriend that says they have been together for 4 months. He groans and tells her that it must have come out before anything happened with Noirin. Sophie remarks that his girlfriend is very pretty.

Bea is in the Diary Room. When asked by Big Brother how she is, she replies 'bonkers, apparently'. She tells Big Brother that it's 'weird reading stuff about yourself' and that 'some people cope with it better than others'.


Charlie, Bea and Sophie are at the Bus Stop.

Charlie complains about the picture of him in the magazine as it is 'awful' and 'really rubbish'. He leaves and goes back inside the house leaving Sophie to talk to Bea about Kris . She says that she doesn't want to 'talk to him ever again' as he could have denied the pregnancy story.

David and Siavash are in the Bathroom.

David tells Siavash that Big Brother is number one in a television poll. When Siavash asks what is second he replies that 'it doesn't matter, does it?'

Charlie is in the Diary Room and says that he is 'not trying to be anything' and that Bex's article 'really hurt [his] feelings'. He then cheers up suddenly when he says that he has discovered that Duncan James is bisexual. He exclaims 'get in - I'm happy about that'.

Sophie and Rodrigo are in the Kitchen.

They are eating chocolate then head into the Living Area. Sophie says she thinks she has lost weight but Rodrigo assures her she hasn't.

Bea and Charlie are in the Garden talking about the magazine articles they read earlier today.

Bea assures Charlie that he is one of her best friends in the house and if she is evicted tomorrow then she will let everyone know what a nice person he is.

After they leave the Garden, Lisa talks about how 'people think they're going to get everything' when they come out of the house and how this isn't going to be the case. She then says that she 'may have come across as a bitch' but that that is 'their comment' and it isn't going to 'overtake' her life.


For today's task Housemates must create the first ever edition of the Big Brother magazine.
Each Housemate must take on a different role in order to create the articles and features that will make up the magazine. If Housemates successfully complete the task they will be rewarded with copies of their magazine and a launch party.

Marcus is in the Diary Room talking about his role as editor. Big Brother asks him how the power has affected him. He replies that he has a 'nice feeling of superiority' inside him.

Journalist Rodrigo and photographer David are in the Sitting Room. Rodrigo must interview the two makeover candidates and the three Housemates who face eviction this week.

Rodrigo asks David about his expectations of the house and the reasons he came into the house. David tells him that the bonding he has had inside the house has 'made [him] feel amazing about [himself]' and has given him a much needed confidence boost. He continues to add that he has been 'taught right from wrong' during his experience, that he 'has managed it well' and that he has 'lived the dream, in fact'.


For successfully completing the Big Brother magazine task Big Brother has provided Housemates with a party including alcohol and party food. Most of the Housemates are in the Living Room.

Housemates go into the Task Room when instructed by Big Brother and start eating the party food laid out for them. Music is played into the room and Housemates start dancing to Katy Perry's 'I Kissed a Girl'. The focus is on Lisa and Bea playfully dancing.


Housemates have been at the Big Brother Magazine launch party for the past two hours and forty four minutes. David, Bea and Lisa are at the Bus Stop.

Lisa and Bea continue to flirt. Lisa starts singing Beyonce's 'Crazy in Love' and tells Bea to try 'thrusting' as she dances. The two women stand in front of a mirror and start dancing/gyrating their hips to the song. Lisa tells Bea that she is 'such a fanny teaser'. Bea replies by saying that she is merely a 'crowd pleaser'.

Siavash is in the Diary Room. He is talking about the article he read in one of the magazines that had an article about his girlfriend in it. He tells Big Brother that he has made a 'very bad decision' regarding his actions in the House.

At the Bus Stop Lisa and Bea continue to banter. Lisa continues flirting and suggestively tells her 'if I wasn't in love with my ex…'


Charlie and Lisa are in the Task Room.

They begin to dance like zombies.

Some of the Housemates are in the Bedroom talking about evicted Housemate Kris.

Sophie tells Housemates that she is 'now thinking [she] doesn't want to see him'. She then 'swears on [her] Chihuahua's life that [she] won't go out with him'.

Magazine editor, Marcus, has been called to the Diary Room.

Marcus flicks through the Big Brother Magazine and comments that it is 'not bad' and that 'there are a lot of [his] photos in this'. He then leaves the Diary Room and makes his way slowly back to the House, pausing in the hallway to continue reading before being told by the Housemates to hurry up. Once back in the Living Room he suggests Housemates should read the magazine 'in alphabetical order'. Bea then takes the magazine over to the chairs and starts reading it, with other Housemates reading it over her shoulder.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by darloboy07:
Charlie reads an article from BB8's ex-Housemates Bex that suggests he is 'fake'. He calls her a 'stupid fat bitch'.

Eeker Laugh

Charlie spitefully saying that is not exactly a ringing endorsement for him to win is it? Laugh
Senora Reyes
I was actually going to post saying that over the last week Charlie is always the one reading out the task and the rules ,then I remembered it's Charlie we are talking about and his priority is getting airtime so it makes sense.
Originally posted by erinp:
I was actually going to post saying that over the last week Charlie is always the one reading out the task and the rules ,then I remembered it's Charlie we are talking about and his priority is getting airtime so it makes sense.
forgot to add ,cheers Darlo. Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Charlie reads an article from BB8's ex-Housemates Bex that suggests he is 'fake'. He calls her a 'stupid fat bitch'.

Eeker Laugh

Charlie spitefully saying that is not exactly a ringing endorsement for him to win is it? Laugh

And in one sentence, he proved her right, as well Laugh
No-one who's as sweet and harmless as he wants us to believe, could come out with something that catty.

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