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DAY 77


For this week's shopping task Housemates will inhabit the Big Brother House of Horrors.

Some of the housemates are in the garden. Lisa and Bea are at the bus stop. Big Brother calls Marcus to the Diary Room.

Siavash, Rodrigo and Sophie are in the kitchen. Sophie jokingly complains to Rodrigo that he is a noisy eater. Siavash tells Sophie that she eats like a "pig" and jokes that she looks like one. Sophie smirks and continues to eat as Siavash giggles.

In the Diary Room, Marcus reflects on his time in the house and thinks that Housemates have warmed to his way of thinking. He adds that they have realised how "brilliant and well observed" he is. He muses that he and Sophie have "turned a corner," in their "Big Brother friendship" and that Lisa seems to be getting in on his "swear word bang-wagon." Marcus turns his attention to Siavash and is clearly annoyed by his actions within the house. "Siavash is on every bandwagon, he'd run to the top of a mountain before telling everyone there's a flood."


David, Lisa and Charlie are in the kitchen. Charlie is making a sandwich and can't find the mayonnaise. He discovers it in the cupboard and is angry that it was not returned to the fridge after use. He angrily tells Lisa that it's bad to keep opened mayonnaise out of the fridge. He is very agitated and after smelling it says he isn't going to have any as it smells "off. "

Bea, Rodrigo and Sophie are in the sitting room, talking about David. Last night Bea had an argument with David after telling him that she nominated him. Bea tells her housemates that David "isn't happy" with her. Sophie supports Bea and tells her that housemates always "picked stupid reasons" so David should not hold any blame against her. Rodrigo agrees, and states that they all "nominated 2 people" as per Big Brother's rules. Sophie tells Bea that David "takes it too personally" and to remember that it's "just a game." Sophie tells the others that she thinks David will go on Friday adding: You'll be fine, don't worry." Rodrigo agrees and Bea thanks them for their support.


Lisa, David and Charlie are in the garden.

Bea shouts into the garden to ask which housemates would like chicken nuggets. Charlie says he would like some. Bea asks him if he has already had some and Charlie tells her that he has eaten five.

Some of the housemates are in the kitchen. Marcus rants "some people are far too greedy" and that Housemates know they are limited to three nuggets each: "so why the **** are they eating 4 or 5 each" in some kind of "feeding frenzy?" In all the fall out, Bea changes her mind about wanting chicken nuggets and asks Lisa to take over cooking them. Lisa refuses adding: "People normally cook for everyone," so Bea should continue. When Lisa leaves the kitchen, Bea comments: "What the f**k is her problem? She can go from being so nice." In the garden Lisa tells housemates about Bea wanting to leave the cooking in mid-flow adding: "I can't be doing with it!"


Most of the housemates are in the living room. Marcus is in the bedroom.

Big Brother has called David to the task room and instructs him that he has one minute to correctly identify which of the four mummies lined up in front of him is Marcus' mummy.

Back in the house, Housemates rush to the kitchen to listen to Big Brother's instructions. Crowd noise is then played into the house to prevent them from hearing, but Siavash tells them that he heard something about "4 Mummies."

In the task room each mummy unwraps their head bandages and introduces themselves as Marcus' mummy, adding a little tit-bit about him. David chooses number 2. Marcus' mummy is Mummy number four. Therefore David has failed his part of the task.

David returns to the house after his task and excitedly tells the housemates about the "difficult" task. When asked by Housemates what his mother looks like, Marcus replies: "the one that looked most like a skeleton - that's why they chose her." He then gives David a description and David confidently states "I got it then."


Big Brother has gathered housemates on the sofa to hear the results of this week's shopping task. Marcus tells the housemates that his mother looks: "f**k all like me,' to which Siavash replies "good for her" while Charlie jokingly comments: "that's probably for the best." Big Brother announces that David failed his challenge, but as all other housemates passed, they successfully passed the overall challenge and will therefore be receiving a luxury shopping budget of ÂĢ5 a head per day. Housemates applaud and cheer at the news.


Most of the housemates are in the living room. David and Bea are at the bus stop.

Bea is speaking with David and tells him he would be a "great representative for Vivienne Westwood." They both hear someone shout something over the wall of the garden quickly followed by crowd noise being played into both the house and garden. In the house, Marcus jokes that someone must be shouting "get Rodrigo out!"

Bea tells David that she thought someone shouted "get David kicked out." Big Brother calls all housemates into the house. David says that he couldn't make out what was shouted but heard the "kicked out" part at the end.

As housemates return to the house Bea wonders "why do people feel the need to do that?" Marcus quips: "maybe because the b*****d couldn't afford 25p for a text!" Big Brother allows housemates to return to the garden; Bea goes to the bus stop with Charlie and tells him that she shouldn't have blurted out what she thought she heard.

Some of the housemates are at the dining table. Siavash tells housemates that if he was at home watching, he'd look up pictures of Rodrigo on the internet and "touch [himself] slowly." Sophie asks Siavash what he'd do for her, Lisa quickly responds: "he'd go faster on that one." Housemates laugh.

At the bus stop Bea continues to empathise with David and reminds him that he once told her he'd be "crushed" if the public didn't like him. David is defensive and repeats: "I never said that" adding that if he got booed he would "mince it out." He affirms that he is a "strong person" and that "people are entitled to their opinions," and reminds Bea that booing is part and parcel of appearing on Big Brother. David walks into the house and Bea looks to Lisa for support. Lisa replies: "I don't want to get involved"

Lisa and David are in the kitchen. She asks him if he is alright and David says that he isn't: "Bea "is trying to make me feel like shit!" he adds.


It's been 22 minutes since someone shouted over the garden wall. David is in the garden. The rest of the housemates are in the living room.

Bea recounts the argument to Lisa. David comes over and tells her to "just drop it." Bea tells him that she had and that she was "just chatting to Lisa." David repeats that he is not upset about the comment that was or wasn't shouted, he is upset by Bea. "You've ripped out my heart and stamped on it. I loved you last week," he yells. Bea tells him that he is "making a big thing of it."


Marcus, Lisa and David are in the living room. Siavash, Bea and Sophie are in the kitchen.

Siavash agrees with Bea that David had previously said he'd be bothered by a negative reaction from the public. Bea questions Siavash about his thoughts on Friday's eviction. Siavash initially states: "you and David are the same." He then adds to Bea; "It means more towards you" and that the odds are "40-60." Sophie swears on her Chihuahua's life that she doesn't think Bea will go home. She also promises on her mother's life that she will "never vote for" her if she stays in the house after Friday. Bea says she will never vote for Sophie either.


Siavash and Sophie are in the kitchen. Sophie and Siavash discuss cooking some sausages. Although they have eaten their share, Sophie tells him to open another packet adding: "what happens in the kitchen stays in the kitchen." She adds that she is "not a greedy bugger" while Siavash laughs at her.

Rodrigo is in the Diary Room. He tells Big Brother that everyone is getting on well in the house aside from Bea and David, but that they'd had problems with their relationship even before the nomination argument.

Marcus and Bea and are in the garden, Marcus is in the pool. Marcus gives Bea advice and tells her to "be a good girl" and to "let other people have the last word" during arguments. Bea responds by saying that she thought she did give David the last word and that she "was being really nice" and tried to reassure him. She turns the conversation to the eviction and tells Marcus that he is safe and it's between her and David adding: "Would you say me or David." Marcus says that he couldn't tell her adding: "it's a new round every week."


Sophie is alone in the kitchen eating sausages loudly. Some of the housemates are in the Garden, Marcus is still in the pool.

From the bus stop, Bea shouts to Marcus that she will give him a "blow job" when they leave the house in exchange for a can of alcohol. "I can get one for free!" is his quick response, "So I'll keep the can, thank you."

In the bedroom Sophie laughingly tells Rodrigo "I'm pissed." She falls over several times and repeats, while laughing: "I feel sad." Rodrigo laughs and says she doesn't look sad. He then tries to help her into bed but struggles and comments: "she's heavy - I don't know why I offered her chicken nuggets." Siavash has come into the bedroom and helps Rodrigo put Sophie onto her bed while she giggles at their efforts.

Back in the garden, Bea asks Marcus what he'd do if she stole the can. Marcus shouts from the pool: "I'd piss on your head while you slept." Bea confidently replies that Big Brother would not allow him too and there is nothing Marcus could do to stop her taking the can.
In the bedroom Siavash tries to get Sophie to drink water by telling her that it's wine and encourages her to "down it."


Lisa and David are at the bus stop. David tells her that he "will never forget" her and that she
"understands [him] the most" and is his "best mate in the house'. He tells her that with her it's "what you see is what you get" adding: "You're one hell of a woman. I've never met a woman like it." Lisa responds by telling him that his is: "a good guy" and that she would be "upset" if he left on Friday.

Rodrigo, Sophie and Siavash are in the bedroom. Rodrigo and Sophie are laughing over the phrase "be a darling and turn off the lights." The lights go off and they continue to laugh and joke.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

The arrogance of Marcus continues. He thinks everyone has realised how brilliant and well observed he is. Still the jealousy and bitching continues over Vash's close friendships within the house.

Marcus is allowed to grow closer to housemates but if Vash does he's jumping on the bandwagon.

Will Marcus be having a go at the winner (in his eyes) if he finds out that Charlie is a greedy bastard? Probably not, how else would he ride on his coat tails.

Pretty boring episode by the looks of it.
The Guru
Originally posted by The Guru:
The arrogance of Marcus continues. He thinks everyone has realised how brilliant and well observed he is. Still the jealousy and bitching continues over Vash's close friendships within the house.

Marcus is allowed to grow closer to housemates but if Vash does he's jumping on the bandwagon.

Will Marcus be having a go at the winner (in his eyes) if he finds out that Charlie is a greedy bastard? Probably not, how else would he ride on his coat tails.

Pretty boring episode by the looks of it.

I've learned to take Marcus's musings and his jealous digs at Siavash with a pinch of salt, he is what he is.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by The Guru:
The arrogance of Marcus continues. He thinks everyone has realised how brilliant and well observed he is. Still the jealousy and bitching continues over Vash's close friendships within the house.

Marcus is allowed to grow closer to housemates but if Vash does he's jumping on the bandwagon.

Will Marcus be having a go at the winner (in his eyes) if he finds out that Charlie is a greedy bastard? Probably not, how else would he ride on his coat tails.

Pretty boring episode by the looks of it.

Agree,Marcus is unbelievably jealous of Siavash (with reason I suppose)

What really baffles me is why doesn't he let Siavash know what he thinks of him instead of pretending to like him!?

I feel Marcus is projecting onto Siavash what he actually feels about himself.. (although he is unaware)... Makes for BORING viewing in my opinion....

Hiya Guru wavey
Originally posted by The Guru:
The arrogance of Marcus continues. He thinks everyone has realised how brilliant and well observed he is. Still the jealousy and bitching continues over Vash's close friendships within the house.

Marcus is allowed to grow closer to housemates but if Vash does he's jumping on the bandwagon.

Will Marcus be having a go at the winner (in his eyes) if he finds out that Charlie is a greedy bastard? Probably not, how else would he ride on his coat tails.

Pretty boring episode by the looks of it.
Marcus is a backstabber especially to Siavash he is always nice to his face and others faces ,he will say what he likes to the woman , he does not face up to the men in the house ,he did make srees life a misery because he dared like Noireen Nod
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by The Guru:
The arrogance of Marcus continues. He thinks everyone has realised how brilliant and well observed he is. Still the jealousy and bitching continues over Vash's close friendships within the house.

Marcus is allowed to grow closer to housemates but if Vash does he's jumping on the bandwagon.

Will Marcus be having a go at the winner (in his eyes) if he finds out that Charlie is a greedy bastard? Probably not, how else would he ride on his coat tails.

Pretty boring episode by the looks of it.

I've learned to take Marcus's musings and his jealous digs at Siavash with a pinch of salt, he is what he is.

It just annoys me as his fans go on about how up front and honest he is and 'says it like it is' but obviously he's not like that. He'd never say half this shit to his face, probably because Vash is much, much more popular with everyone in the house (apart from Charlie).

Vash hasn't a clue that Marcus badmouths him so much.
The Guru
Originally posted by Mollie:
Originally posted by The Guru:
The arrogance of Marcus continues. He thinks everyone has realised how brilliant and well observed he is. Still the jealousy and bitching continues over Vash's close friendships within the house.

Marcus is allowed to grow closer to housemates but if Vash does he's jumping on the bandwagon.

Will Marcus be having a go at the winner (in his eyes) if he finds out that Charlie is a greedy bastard? Probably not, how else would he ride on his coat tails.

Pretty boring episode by the looks of it.

Agree,Marcus is unbelievably jealous of Siavash (with reason I suppose)

What really baffles me is why doesn't he let Siavash know what he thinks of him instead of pretending to like him!?

I feel Marcus is projecting onto Siavash what he actually feels about himself.. (although he is unaware)... Makes for BORING viewing in my opinion....

Hiya Guru wavey

Hey Mollie wavey

Yeah i wish he'd say something to Vash. Vash doesn't have a clue that Marcus slags him off so much.
The Guru
Originally posted by darloboy07:
DAY 77

In the Diary Room, Marcus reflects on his time in the house and thinks that Housemates have warmed to his way of thinking. He adds that they have realised how "brilliant and well observed" he is. He muses that he and Sophie have "turned a corner," in their "Big Brother friendship" and that Lisa seems to be getting in on his "swear word bang-wagon." Marcus turns his attention to Siavash and is clearly annoyed by his actions within the house. "Siavash is on every bandwagon, he'd run to the top of a mountain before telling everyone there's a flood."

This is one of the reasons I like Marcus - he's good value delusion Big Grin

Siavash agrees with Bea that David had previously said he'd be bothered by a negative reaction from the public. Bea questions Siavash about his thoughts on Friday's eviction. Siavash initially states: "you and David are the same." He then adds to Bea; "It means more towards you" and that the odds are "40-60." Sophie swears on her Chihuahua's life that she doesn't think Bea will go home. She also promises on her mother's life that she will "never vote for" her if she stays in the house after Friday. Bea says she will never vote for Sophie either.

Poor old soon-to-be-deceased chihuahua...

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