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DAY 90


All the Housemates are in the garden. Tonight they all face eviction from the Big Brother house.

Rodrigo and Charlie are playing in the pool. Charlie throws the space hopper at Lisa and it breaks her silver bracelet. She is angry and says 'You are lucky I ain't bouncing it off your skull.'


Big Brother has gathered all the Housemates at the dining table for today's task. Big Brother has provided Rodrigo with instructions, a blackboard and chalk.

Rodrigo reads out the roles for the task, which is to recreate the dance in Beyonce's 'Single Ladies' video. One Housemate must take on the role of 'Beyonce', while the remaining Housemates will split themselves into the following roles: two backing dancers, choreographer, stylist and a production assistant who must ensure everyone is fed and have drinks whenever they wish.
Siavash says 'I assume we all want to be Beyonce?' He tries to fairly choose who takes which role by getting housemates to guess in which hand he is holding something. Charlie is left with the role of stylist and is very unhappy . He walks into the Garden alone, swearing.


Big Brother has gathered all the housemates in the sitting room to watch the video of Beyonce's 'Single Ladies'. Watching the plasma screen, Lisa says 'I so would' whilst David and Siavash dance along. Charlie looks particularly unenthusiastic. The video finishes and Charlie heads straight to the bathroom. Siavash high-fives David and suggests they 'Camp it up to the max!'


Charlie and Rodrigo are in the bathroom - Charlie is in the bath complaining about his role in the task.

Siavash, Sophie and David are in the bedroom. David and Siavash pretend to act like divas, with Siavash saying to Rodrigo [the assistant for today's task] that he wants him to wipe his rear. Rodrigo replies 'Take your own hand…you are only a playboy bunny'. The costumes arrive and Rodrigo laughs at Charlie's.


Most of the Housemates are in the garden. They have been practicing for today's task for 6 minutes. Beyonce [David] and 2 backing dancers [Sophie and Siavash] dance energetically under the chorographers [Lisa] supervision. David hits his head on Siavash as they bend down and they all burst out laughing.

Rodrigo and Charlie are in the Bedroom. Charlie continues to moan about his outfit and then goes into the Diary Room to tell Big Brother how upset he is to be the stylist saying that 'everyone got to do what they wanted…I would rather be the cleaner'


Big Brother has gathered all the Housemates in the garden for the performance of today's task.
As Sophie, David and Siavash perform a very enthusiastic interpretation of the dance, the Housemates watch in laughter. During the dance, Siavash flicks his wig off, suffers a coughing fit and ends on a wobbly headstand.


Some of the Housemates are in the Bedroom. Earlier tonight Housemates exchanged a token for one hour's use of hair straighteners. Rodrigo is annoyed that the back of hair isn't straightened, and that furious that Charlie spends more time doing Siavash's hair than his. He leaves the bedroom saying 'Never talk to me again! '.


Big Brother has gathered all the housemates in the Sitting room for the result of tonight's eviction.
Lisa is evicted. David weeps whilst being comforted by Charlie.


It's been 55 minutes since Lisa was evicted from the Big Brother house. Most of the housemates are in the living room. They talk about how hungry they are and jokingly Sophie says she is wasting away.

Charlie is in the Diary Room. He talks about the fact that lots of people have said that he will win, but he doesn't think he will. He is very happy to stay.


All of the Housemates are in the Sitting Room. For this week's shopping task they had to recreate Day 50 in the Big Brother house. As a reward for passing today's task, Housemates are being shown the footage of Day 50 that they filmed yesterday along with some booze, ice cream and popcorn. Housemates joke and laugh at themselves on the screen.


All the Housemates are in the sitting room. Housemates have been watching their version of Big Brother for 34 minutes. As a scene that recreates a conversation between Siavash and Noirin comes on, Siavash groans and walks out into the living area.


Rodrigo, Siavash, Charlie and Sophie are in the Living Room. They talk about how happy they are to be in the final. David is in the Diary Room. He says that he is upset that Lisa has gone because she was his 'rock'. He also says that he would have preferred Siavash to go. Ultimately, however, he expresses his happiness at being in the final.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Pengy:
Charlie not coming across very well in the hls Thumbs Up

Niether pointless Rodrigo, moaning because he can't get the straighteners first...Bitch queens the pair of em.

Oh noes SR you've reminded me that I haven't straightened the back of my hair and I can't talk to you without that being done - It's all Milo's fault, he spends too long on his own shaggy mane Wink Big Grin
Originally posted by Pengy:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Pengy:
Charlie not coming across very well in the hls Thumbs Up

Niether pointless Rodrigo, moaning because he can't get the straighteners first...Bitch queens the pair of em.

Oh noes SR you've reminded me that I haven't straightened the back of my hair and I can't talk to you without that being done - It's all Milo's fault, he spends too long on his own shaggy mane Wink Big Grin

Big Grin
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:

It's about time they had a go at another bluddy housemate, still had to have a little dig at Siavash at the end though...

Thanks for the update Darlo Hug

The BB producers obviously don't do subtlety, yesterday finishing with Lisa denigrating Siavash, today David. They aren't missing a chance to knock into the audiences' heads that Sophie is good, Siavash is bad, Sophie gooood, Siavash baaaad.

Just vote for Siavash guys. Treat it like a shot game, everytime they get a dig in, vote for Siavash. They show a clip again, vote for Siavash and say that's for choosing that day to revisit and for showing that clip; they have David saying he wishes Siavash had left, vote for Siavash and say that's for showing David saying that and not Sophie saying that she's glad he's still there. Vote for Siavash everytime BB try it on and do the same again tomorrow and Friday.

We beat them last year and can do it again. If you end up voting 14 times, that's less than a fiver, and what can you get for that these days? It's a small price to pay to stick it to BB and make them see what we think of their dirty tricks campaign against Siavash.

Vote Siavash, vote more than once. You know it makes sense. :thumb
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by Frillyfrog:
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally posted by Pengy:
Charlie not coming across very well in the hls Thumbs Up

It's about time they had a go at another bluddy housemate, still had to have a little dig at Siavash at the end though...

Thanks for the update Darlo Hug

The BB producers obviously don't do subtlety, yesterday finishing with Lisa denigrating Siavash, today David. They aren't missing a chance to knock into the audiences' heads that Sophie is good, Siavash is bad, Sophie gooood, Siavash baaaad.

Just vote for Siavash guys. Treat it like a shot game, everytime they get a dig in, vote for Siavash. They show a clip again, vote for Siavash and say that's for choosing that day to revisit and for showing that clip; they have David saying he wishes Siavash had left, vote for Siavash and say that's for showing David saying that and not Sophie saying that she's glad he's still there. Vote for Siavash everytime BB try it on and do the same again tomorrow and Friday.

We beat them last year and can do it again. If you end up voting 14 times, that's less than a fiver, and what can you get for that these days? It's a small price to pay to stick it to BB and make them see what we think about their dirty tricks campaign against Siavash.

Vote Siavash, vote more than once. You know it makes sense. :thumb

Well said Frilly, come and join our cult we need your positive affirmations! Clapping
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally posted by Pengy:
Charlie not coming across very well in the hls Thumbs Up

It's about time they had a go at another bluddy housemate, still had to have a little dig at Siavash at the end though...

Thanks for the update Darlo Hug

Was just going to say that Ann!!!! it's subtle but effective! bastardos!!!

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