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Day 83 highlights


All of the Housemates are in the Bedroom. For this week's shopping task Housemates will travel 200 years into the future to Big Brother 2109. Housemates are woken by the Theme from 2001: A Space Odyssey

As they stir, Siavash enthusiastically says 'If it is space it is brilliant!' The housemates get out of bed and in groggy, half-asleep states, explore their space age moon-scape Garden.


All of the Housemates are in the Living Room. For this week's shopping task Housemates must pass at least 3 out of 5 challenges in order to receive a luxury shopping budget of £5 per head per day. In the future, Big Brother is open to aliens, robots and androids, as well as the more traditional human Housemates.

Housemates chose which futuristic roles they want to be. Big Brother has provided all of the Housemates with costumes. David and Lisa choose to be aliens. Marcus and Siavash decide to be androids. Charlie will become an astronaut.

Sophie and Rodrigo choose to be robots. For their part of the task they must learn and perform a futuristic dance routine.

Big Brother plays the routine on the plasma screen. Housemates watch the clip 'Daft Bodies', performed to the Daft Punk track 'Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger'. As the video plays Lisa comments 'the girls have got good bodies in this' and David says 'Oh it's brilliant… love this routine'.

As the performance ends Marcus quips 'Good luck with that'


Sophie and Rodrigo are in the Sitting Room practising their routine

Big Brother has called aliens Lisa and David to the Diary Room. BB informs Lisa and David that they will 'boldly go where no Housemates have gone before'. David asks 'Where is that?'

Big Brother reveals they will 'travel to the centre of the city known as London' and must get tourists to take pictures of them by three landmarks. They are told they are not allowed to verbally communicate with anyone but each other and must not remove their costumes at any point. Lisa and David react to this news with great enthusiasm and excitedly say that it will be the best task ever.

They exit the Diary Room and are escorted out of the house by a spaceman, who leads them onto an open top double-decker bus. As they begin their journey, Lisa states 'This is cool!' whilst David has a bit of difficulty with his costume saying 'my pants are coming down!' The bus drives through the studio site and leaves the Big Brother compound.


Siavash and Marcus are in the Garden. Whenever Housemates are asleep during the day, Big Brother plays an alarm into the house. The alarm wakes Siavash and Marcus who are asleep. Marcus grumbles '11 weeks of fantastic footage…. and you can't let us sit down for 5 minutes!'

It's been 18 minutes since David and Lisa left the Big Brother House on an open top bus dressed as aliens. The bus passes under a bridge and David tells Lisa 'watch your head'. Lisa says 'we can't spoil this David… Let's do this right'. David points out that they are on a motorway but Lisa shouts 'I can't hear much because of the wind'.

Rodrigo and Sophie are in the Sitting Room. Last night housemates had an argument with Siavash over his refusal to nominate. Rodrigo states that they are not here to change the rules of the show and they should all adhere to them - and Siavash has said that he is a person who doesn't follow rules. Sophie predicts that she will go up for eviction against Marcus and Siavash and that she will go this week. Rodrigo reassures her otherwise.

On the bus Lisa and David are happily waving to pedestrians and other vehicles on the streets. Lisa mentions how the other housemates were laughing when they got their costumes but 'they will laughing on the other side of their faces when we get back'


Aliens David and Lisa have been on their journey to London for the past 39 minutes. A van driver passes the bus and honks his horn at the aliens

Big Brother has provided the aliens with a mobile phone. Big Brother asks David over the phone how the task is going and David replies 'We are loving it… it's amazing… everything is brilliant'. Lisa thinks that David is talking to her and says 'Can't hear you mate'. Big Brother asks David how Lisa is. David then asks Lisa, who fails to hear and shouts 'What?' David tells Big Brother 'Yeah, she's loving it.' David then proclaims that 'this is the best day of my life!'


It's been 2 hours and 25 minutes since aliens David and Lisa left the Big Brother house. They must get a stranger to photograph them in front of three London landmarks - the first is Tower Bridge.

Lisa and David step off the bus and approach strangers gesticulating wildly that they want their photo taken. A man takes David's camera and David shouts 'Lisa! Lisa! Where are you going?' She comes to pose with David for a picture.


David and Lisa are travelling around London on the open top bus. Lisa complains 'my feet are squelching wet' and David adds 'I'm melting'. As they travel along Victoria Embankment David enthusiastically points out 'the Millennium Eye thing over there'

The rest of the Housemates are in the Garden. Big Brother announces that 'Big Brother finds housemates boring' and explains that Housemates must entertain Big Brother for the next hour.

Upon hearing the announcement Marcus grumbles 'F*cking rude… give me a German sports car and I will entertain you'. Housemates begin to throw the space hopper around and as they do so Charlie pushes Marcus perilously close to the edge of the Pool. Rodrigo throws the space hopper at Marcus and the momentum knocks him into the pool. All the Housemates laugh and Rodrigo points out that now he will feel wide awake, but as Marcus wanders around the house in sodden clothes he warns them that 'you will see how funny it is when you all keep going in'.


Aliens David and Lisa have been attempting to have their picture taken outside St Paul's Cathedral for the last 4 minutes. Lisa and David are approaching strangers. After one unsuccessful approach David states 'they don't talk English'. They find someone to take the picture - however the person's friend poses in the picture with the aliens and David gently nudges her out of the way.

The rest of the housemates have been entertaining Big Brother for 35 minutes. In the Garden Siavash throws the space hopper at the crash dome on the fire escape, which unlocks the door. The five Housemates all head into the behind-the-scenes camera runs and charge about giggling in a haphazard manner. Siavash runs around a corner into a burly security guard who temporarily stops him in his tracks, before Siavash turns and bolts back the other way. Sophie seems lost and asks 'How do we get back?' Siavash finds an exit, goes outside the house and runs around the perimeter. Charlie, Rodrigo and Sophie find the task room and congregate in there. Big Brother repeatedly tells Housemates to return to the house and Charlie, Rodrigo, Sophie and Siavash go back to the Garden. Siavash tells the others that he went out and saw the stage. They wonder where Marcus is.

Marcus has climbed up in the roof. A security person pursues him and he climbs back down into the camera runs, eventually coming back into the house via the fire door in the Bedroom. Siavash rejoices 'We have seen humans!' and Marcus remarks 'They all looked worried.'


Aliens David and Lisa are in Parliament Square. For the last part of their task they have to get a stranger to take a photo of them in front of the Houses of Parliament. A young boy takes a picture of the aliens and David shakes his hand. David walks off saying 'Can't see 'owt', whilst Lisa declares 'We have done it!'


David and Lisa are on the bus. They have been away from the Big Brother house for the past 5 hours and 25 minutes. The bus returns to the studios.

Some of the Housemates are in the Living Room talking about their escape earlier today. Siavash states the he 'can't get over how good that was' and Marcus claims that he could have left the compound.

Lisa and David return to the Diary Room. Big Brother asks them if they enjoyed their trip and they both say they thought it was brilliant. David also adds 'I never thought I would do something like that' and reveals 'I've not seen much of London town centre before'

Lisa and David go back into the house and with great excitement regale their fellow housemates with tales of their expedition. Charlie then starts to tell Lisa and David what the other housemates did while they were away, but gets drowned out as David continues to talk about going to London and the others ask questions about it. Charlie tries to interject unsuccessfully again and then sits in silence with a rather glum looking expression. The other housemates talk about their escape and an amused Siavash jokes 'you just p*ssed on our story completely'.


All of the Housemates have been gathered in the Sitting Room. Lisa says it has been a 'fantastic day' and some of the other Housemates express agreement.

Big Brother announces that earlier in the day Housemates were told they were 'boring' and had to entertain Big Brother. Big Brother explains that Housemates escaped from the house and this was deemed 'entertaining'. However, BB goes on to say that due to housemates breaking the rules by escaping they are to be punished and the prize fund will be reduced to zero.

Some Housemates laugh and cheer upon this announcement and Marcus remarks 'easy come, easy go'. Big Brother then explains that over the course of the next 10 days Housemates will have the opportunity to win it back.


Lisa and David are in the Bedroom. As they lie in bed reflecting on their day Lisa gleefully says to David 'This is heaven… that was fab… no one had a clue… it could have been anyone and it was us two'. David jokes 'The Big Brother aliens take over London' and Lisa happily asserts that 'nothing will top this!'


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