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Ashleigh’s Power Alliance with Chris and Mark is going strong and together they have nominated Ash and Steven for this week’s eviction.

* Ashleigh goes to the Diary Room to talk about her position as Power Housemate. She says she feels bad about nominating Ash but couldn’t nominate Christopher as she feels he needs a break from it and although he handles it well it does bug him but he’s good at not showing it.

* Mark and Chris talk about how they are going to explain their decisions to the other Housemates and that they don’t want to handle it like Toya did. Mark thinks they should diffuse the situation before ‘it kicks off’. Mark says that he couldn’t put Christopher up as it would make him feel like a ‘Judas’. Chris says that this late in the day they need to be worrying less about stuff like that.

* Mark and Zoe sunbathe in the garden and they bond over their opinion that all you need is a golden tan, a  strong eyebrow and nice hair. Mark says he can take on the world as long as he has these things.

* Winston entertains the Housemates by singing his version of ‘Sk8er Boi’ by Avril Lavigne in the garden.

* Chris and Ashleigh tell Mark that they have to nominate two more Housemates. Mark is visibly shocked as Chris explains why they have decided on Pav, they talk about the effects being up for nomination again would have on Christopher. Mark has to run off as this has given him a ‘nervous bowel.’

* Nominations are on the Housemates mind’s as they sit in the garden. Helen says she is so relieved that they don’t have to nominate this week and says that she hopes it is now all in the public’s hands.

* The Power Alliance are called to the Diary Room to make their next nomination. To help them make their decision they talk to ex-Housemates, Biannca, Danielle and Matthew via screens. Mark seems very excited about being able to talk to Matthew again.


• Biannca – ‘Don’t trust Pav, he’s not genuine and will ***** you over just to get to where he needs to be. He likes Ashleigh, everyone else he doesn’t like. He’s definitely playing a game.’

• Danielle – ‘Pav, you have to watch out for Pav, He’s a serious game-player, he knows exactly what he’s doing , he’s in there to win! Anything  you say to him he will go and tell other groups, the one is Zoe, she knows reality TV inside out, she’s got a massive fan base and knows what she’s doing  and is playing up for the cameras, don’t trust her.’

• Matthew – ‘Listen to me carefully, Zoe and Pav have watched the show, they know what’s going on.  They are both snakes in the grass OK. Pav has a psychology degree, he’s sitting in the back watching everyone, watch out for him, Zoe as well, she knows what she’s doing, she’s befriending Helen, don’t trust either of them. You need to save Christopher, he’s a genuine friend to all of you, Winston – He’s not as stupid as he looks.’

* After hearing all this they nominate Pav, so they have taken the advice from the ex-Housemates on board. Big Brother gathers the Housemates on the sofas and tells them that the Power has struck again and  announces that Pav is also up for eviction.

* The Housemates discuss nominations in the garden and Ash seems a bit confused, he says: ‘I’m a nice person but I get bloody booed.’ Chris says that on the flip side he did nothing last week to get the cheers from the crowd. Steven helpfully points out to Chris that people who don’t say or do anything in the house tend to get cheered

* Mark goes to the Diary Room and is a bit unsettled by what the ex-Housemates have told him, especially if he finds that Zoe isn’t what she
seems to be especially after their bonding session earlier over strong brows. He  says: ‘Maybe she’s just pretending to be on my mental level.’

Ashleigh and Chris talk about Steven’s comment earlier in the garden that people who don’t say or do anything in the house tend to get cheered, as it was pointed at Chris. Chris is annoyed and says: ‘I’ve never met anyone more boring than that man, he’s a mug.’

* Steven says to Ash that he is not longer wary of Chris and that he likes him.

* The Power Alliance talk in the kitchen and Chris says to Mark that if they put Zoe up for eviction and she’s really that popular with the public she will be safe. Mark says that Matthew opinion comes first with him and Matthew would expect him to take his advice on board.

* Helen goes to the Diary Room to talk about Zoe.She says: ‘Zoe is lovely, she’s a very sweet girl and has settled into the house perfectly.’

* Ashleigh goes to the control room to talk to Iris. Iris asks her if they are enjoying being the Power Alliance and she says yes, they are having fun. Iris then asks her if they are pleased with their nominations and Ashleigh admits that the only troublesome one was Pav but they have to trust their friends who have their best interests at heart. Ashleigh then announces that their fourth and final nomination will be Zoe. She explains that she couldn’t nominate Christopher as he is a loyal friend and neither could she nominate Winston as he was one of the only people who defended her during her trouble with Helen.

* Big Brother gathers the Housemates to announce  that the next Housemate to fall victim of the power is – Zoe. As a shock Big Brother also announces that there has been a Power Alliance in the house and all three members look shocked at this revelation and are told to stand up one by one to the horror of the rest of the Housemates. Helen says: ‘I thought it was happy families, what a load of s**t.’

Big Brother then asks the nominated Housemates to stand up and tells them that they have a chance to save one of them from facing the public vote and to pick one of the Power Alliance to take that Housemates place. They save Ash and replace him with Ashleigh.Ashleigh says: ‘I knew it was coming.’

* Big Brother then tells all the Housemates that the Power Alliance has been disbanded and that the power has gone from the house – for now!

* Mark tries to explain to Helen the reasons for nominating Ash, she seems mainly annoyed about Chris’ part in it as she thinks that Ash was one of the only people that made an effort with him. She calls Chris: ‘A two faced b**tard.’

* Chris and Ashleigh talk to Pav, Ze and Winston about their decision and tell them they had to trust the ex-Housemates and Ashleigh cries as she tells Winston she wouldn’t nominate him  as he defended her. Ashleigh tells Winston that the ex-Housemates said he was smarter than he lets on.

* Steven asks Mark why he was nominated and Mark says that he wasn’t in the Power Alliance when the decision to nominate him was made. Mark says he didn’t want to nominate the new Housemates straight away because they had only been in the house for a very short space of time, Ash says that he doesn’t think that the new Housemates have more right to be in the house than they do. Mark then tells the group that Matthew said the new Housemates
were ‘snakes in the grass.’

* Some of the Housemates are struggling to understand the decisions of the Power Alliance but Helen says she is not sticking her nose in and Christopher agrees that is the right thing to do.

• Steven is telling the other housemates about his conversation with Ashleigh and Chris and that he still doesn’t understand why they put him up. Helen comments that she thinks Chris is a game player. Helen gets up and goes to the living area, walking into a conversation between Ashleigh, Mark and Chris and Pav. She gets Pav to leave and then instructs the others not to give away anything of what they learned from the ex-housemates, especially to Christopher as he is a nightmare and will just go blabbing. She
says they need to remember to keep it about the original

* Zoe goes to the Diary Room and confesses that the fact that Steven wanted to save her over Ash means a lot to her.

Christopher talks to Winston about recent events and says: ‘I don’t know how I
feel about it.’

* Ashleigh tells Ash that nominating him was the hardest decision and that she thinks he deserves a place in the final. They are both teary during this conversation.

* Pav wants answers from Mark d tells him that since Mark divulged what the ex-Housemates told him that Steven and Helen are being cold with him. Pav says that he needs to ‘act appropriately.’

* Chris goes to the Diary Room and gets emotional talking about the decisions he has had to make and says: ‘I’m proud to be around these people, Ashleigh is astonishing as is Mark.’

* Pav talks to Zoe about what Mark has been saying regarding the ex-Housemates advice.

Helen talks to Winston and it would seem the distrust of the new Housemates has started in earnest, she says: ‘As if they have been put in here to have a nice time ad we never predicted it!’ She goes on to say: ‘The trouble makers are here!’

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Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Who does Helen think she is! Telling HMs they can't discuss what ex HMs told them. She makes the rules now?

I won't be watching tonight ....I will just use this to join in the thread ....

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Who does Helen think she is! Telling HMs they can't discuss what ex HMs told them. She makes the rules now?

I won't be watching tonight ....I will just use this to join in the thread ....

 Don't blame you one bit Baz 




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